Been here awhile but need more dog lover friends :)



  • bmleach10
    bmleach10 Posts: 5 Member
    Dog lover here! I have a 6yr old lab-pit mix and I also foster dogs from our local shelter :):) Feel free to add me!
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Psycho puppy Tika is my fursonal trainer. People THINK that she's soft and pretty, but she has the soul of a U.S. Marine Cors drill sgt. Every day at 0500 its "Get up! Let's go for 1.3 mile trot" And afterward it's sprints into the kitchen for treats. Yesterday I gave her a dried mango, one of her favorites, and she spit it on the floor! Only a denta stick would so. I walk 3 more miles on my commute and when I come home its "Play! Play! Play!" On the weekends we chase each other around the dog park. I've recently started doing so in front of other people. The vet told us that Tika gained 9 pounds in the 15 months that I've had her (Too many treats) and needs to loose 1 pound. Mama needs to loose 70 so we are working on it.
  • nlmw40wd7ai4.jpg
    This is my fur baby. I have been trying to take her for 2 walks a day.
  • Please add me
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    Finally, the dog people!! I think I love almost any dog more than pretty much the best human.

    I have two Australian Shepherds - Ferguson, the black one who is 7 months and Sadie, the blue who is 3. Honestly, I walk them only sporadically during the week as the weather isn't great here yet, but we take them hiking every weekend. ux654vqtc5qt.png
  • indy87colts
    indy87colts Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • skipford
    skipford Posts: 4 Member
    mellecita wrote: »

    My pug/beagle mix

    Cute ! I have a jug x!
  • kirbybunny7
    kirbybunny7 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started today, love to see dog people on here! I have 2 spoiled basset hounds, I'll post pics if I can.

    ~ Jen
  • kirbybunny7
    kirbybunny7 Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2017
  • kirbybunny7
    kirbybunny7 Posts: 5 Member
  • kirbybunny7
    kirbybunny7 Posts: 5 Member
  • PackPariah
    PackPariah Posts: 75 Member
    I am a dog lover who (due to rental agreement) cannot have a dog :'(
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    zilkah wrote: »

    well here are my two, I can't believe I didnt put a pic of them LOL


    Oh handsome! I have 3 black labs of my own...14 year old Sox, 9 year old Buddy and 5 year old Bear.
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member
    edited May 2017
    Dog lover here!! Just getting started but I'm happy to connect with others :) this is my wee Bucko.

  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    Dog lover here too!!! They're great for helping us to get moving!!! :)
  • JPotamus
    JPotamus Posts: 33 Member
    Lucy & Katie, my beagle dogs. :)

  • racheldix92
    racheldix92 Posts: 11 Member
    My Lacy is definitely a big motivation for me! Lacy is a 1-year-old Belgian Malinois--so ENERGY for days! We just got her a little brother, too. Randy is a 5-month-old heeler mix (mutt) :) They keep me busy, for sure!
  • JPotamus
    JPotamus Posts: 33 Member
  • krushal8880
    krushal8880 Posts: 80 Member
    Yep, Dog lover! I walk my black lab in the morning and afternoon. We both luv it. ADD ME if you like. :)
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Add me! This is Misty, my 10 year old black lab that I just adopted from a rescue. She was used as breeding stock for a voracious breeder, who then would "put down" (ie shoot) his females once they were too old to breed. The rescue saved 4 labs from that particular kennel and after meeting her, I knew I could provide her a wonderful home to live out her senior years. She is the sweetest dog ever and we are a perfect match for each other.