Thick but low calorie nutritional shakes/powders?

rrjs Posts: 46
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
I get up for work early in the morning, and I wake up starving but my stomach isn't 'awake' enough for solid foods. Lately I've been sipping Six Star protein powder with milk over ice in the morning and I really like it, but between the powder (160 cals a scoop) and the milk I mix it with, it ends up being enough calories for a small meal but isn't filling enough for as many calories as I'm taking in.

I was wondering what else is out there in the shakes/powders department that's really thick but not very high in calories. Also, what I'm drinking now is just pure protein - I don't do bodybuilding or anything along those lines that would require such a high protein intake, I just like having a thicker milk drink to sip on in the morning. Is there anything out there that has a more vitamins and minerals in it? What about those 'instant breakfast' powders?

So, to sum that all up, I'm looking for something I can mix with milk in the morning that's:
A.) Thick
B.) Low/Moderate in calories (taking into consideration I mix it with milk - the calories add up fast)
C.) A bit more nutritious and balanced than powders/shakes that are pure protein


  • The hubby and I do the HMR shakes in the morning, with water. They are really good and thick if you put enough ice in (I do 6 oz water and 10 ice cubes). They are 100 or 110 calories depending on the type (500 or 70 plus).

    They aren't cheap but if you limit how many you do, it might be worth looking into.

  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    I blend mine with ice instead of putting it over ice - kind of tastes like a chocolate milkshake.
  • kellywaller1
    kellywaller1 Posts: 101
    I drink the jillian micheals protein shake its only 100 calories I mix it with some skim milk and ice in my blender and it makes a wonderful shake!! I also put in a little chocolate syrup:)
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    I Use Skim Milk , sometimes I use water and not milk, ALso you could add a banana to it bled the banana that will fill you up..
  • allenlisa
    allenlisa Posts: 96
    My hubby and I use Shakeology from beachbody. It's the best thing I eat all day! It's awesome and beyond good for you! It has protein, amino acids, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Plus when I drink it for breakfast it wakes me up & I don't need my coffee. Plus no caffein crash later! Message me if you want to know more!
  • Just add 1/4 t of Bob's Mill guar gum to any shake. It will thicken right up!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I do half a scoop of protein powder (chocolate), 1 cup skim, and a medium banana mixed with ice in the blender. So incredibly filling!
  • meryllb
    meryllb Posts: 28
    i am the same way in the a.m. i get sick if i eat breakfast too early. i am up around 6:30 and usually just drink one of those flavored milk boxes (i like horizon chocolate milk) on my drive to work, and have a fiber/energy/protein bar of some sort around 9. ends up being 200 - 300 cals total.
  • The Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake meets all of your criteria! There is 90 calories in 2 scoops, thick sweet cream flavor that you can add dozens of things to like spinich, peanut butter, or oats!! You can mix with milk, OJ, or coffee, the variety is endless!! I drink them everyday!! Feel free to add me
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Lately, I've been doing my shake (I use Naturade total soy) with 1 TBSP peanut butter, 1/2 c. almond or soy milk and 1/2 c. water OR 1 c. water, 2 scoops of shake (140 calories) and ice. Blend smooth. It's really yummy, thick, and satisfying.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I make a smoothie and it's pretty filling.

    4oz 1% milk (50 cal)
    3oz Greek yogurt (65 cal)
    1 Scoop of protein powder (90 cal)
    1/4 cup frozen strawberries (13 cal)
    And a little bit of water since it's pretty thick

    218 cal, but it keeps me full for hours.
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    I also use Jillian Michaels' whey protein powder. I mix it with Dark Chocolate Almond milk and some frozen fruit! Sooo good! Better than any milkshake. :drinker:
    The "Instant Breakfast" powders really upset my stomach! I don't know what's in them, but I can't take them! :noway:
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    I make a kind of smoothie from Met-Rx protein powder. It is like a liquid vitamin pill, with calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, several B vitamins, zinc and amino acids, as well as a lot of protein. I make it in the blender, starting with frozen pie cherries and milk (on the ice crush setting), then add the powder and half a banana or some other fruit. I have half and my husband has half. If I am making it just for myself I only use half the packet of powder. Each packet has 240 calories, so I figure having half, along with half the milk and the fruit is about 200 to 250 calories. It's quite satisfying, and I like the taste of it. I get the Extreme Chocolate flavor -- I order it over the Internet.
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    Mix what you are doing with Almond milk. Some are 40 cal. per 8 oz.
  • kaitlynnm10
    kaitlynnm10 Posts: 47 Member
    I use chocolate 365 powder from Whole Foods mixed with low fat plain kefir smoothie. Sometimes I do half greek yogurt & half kefir for a thicker texture. I'd love to switch to Shakeology from Beachbody but I'm on a budget and that stuff is pricey!
  • what kind of preotein powder have people been using for making thier shakes? I wanted to go with shakeology from beachbody but i'm a poor student so will be making my own shakes, but have no idea if it makes a difference what protein powder you buy.

  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member

    Try these. I made a few of these and they are awesome.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Consider using casein instead of whey. Casein will mix MUCH thicker and you can just add/reduce water to control thickness.

    I would not recommend body by vi or shakeology due to price.
  • Bunnie_Rex
    Bunnie_Rex Posts: 63 Member
    Wonderslim Chocolate Pudding Shake from
    Its 100 calories and a full meal replacement mixed with water and it still tastes like thick chocolate milk, although Im sure thats because of the Aspartame.
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