
topazgal Posts: 51 Member
I m getting ready to use myfitnesspal again to shed off my winter weight. Does the Fitbit work yet with MFP? Before it never worked so wondering if it was ever fixed?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    In the 3+ years I've been here I've only had Fitbit issues maybe 3-4 times. I know a lot complain they aren't getting their adjustments, but I never have an issue.
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Mine never tracked at all. And i have checked every setting and it does show that my fitbit is connected to MFP but the numbers do not show on MFP. Unless i am missing something.
  • al_schwing
    al_schwing Posts: 23 Member
    i have a fitbit & it shows the adjustments every day too. never seem to have any problems yet.
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Hmm i dont get it cuz in MFP where u see Goal , food, exercise on top and underneath it says fitbit tracking steps. That never adjusts so my walking or excerise doesnt get calculated in.
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Ok now after doing some figuring out i see the steps added to MFP from my fitbit but it does not add to the exercise on the top where it says goal food exercise. Should the steps be added there?
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Sometimes you may need to manually go to your fitbit app and sync. Mine will sync at random times and I suspect that it my have something to do with settings. Check to see it it is set to sync over wifi only or all the time.