deflated and unmotivated please help!!!!

ok so this is my story quickly.
lost weight last year but depression and exercising and eating like one meal a day. BAD!!
but i lost about 13kg!

this year i tried weight watchers got no where!
now trying calorie counting and getting no where!!!
wats going on???

i am exericising really well. i do 30day shred, gym classes, pt session once a week, walking, boxing etc.
on average when i workout i workout and burn about 700cals.
im eating about 1300-1500cals a day. im drinking at least 2litres of water a day and ive gone from eating takeaway and junk to healthy things like fruit and homemade stuff.

everyone says maybe its muscle, but you know wat, im not muscly!!!

i have a HRM and i try to keep my hear trate up am i having it too high??
it usually in gym classes about 170-185 and when i do exercising at home or walking its about 140-165??
im 25 years old, 5'8 174cm and weigh 78kg 172lbs!!!

please help anyone???


  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    If you're eating max 1500 calories and burning 700 a day then you're not eating enough. burning that much you should be eating at least 1900ish a day!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Gotta eat to lose. I peeked at your diary - it looks mostly clean. Like the poster above me. You've got to eat those exercise calories, I think you've inadvertently slowed your metabolism.

    Up your calories and/or exercise less - give it a month, then the scale should start moving again.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    If you're eating max 1500 calories and burning 700 a day then you're not eating enough. burning that much you should be eating at least 1900ish a day!

    Agreed. I burn an average of 500 calories a day (with a rest day included in that average); my average gross calories last month were just over average net was 1750. If you don't take in enough calories your body will not be able to burn calories effectively. Note that your HR is also quite high if that was an average. Over a certain HR, our bodies can't effectively burn fat as an energy source...this has to do with metabolism at a cellular level. I also work with an HRM and have average HRs between 126 and 136 during running and cycling. You may be getting a double dose of too few calories and inefficient metabolism from pushing too hard.

    If it were me, I'd make sure that I eat ALL my exercise calories. If that doesn't yield results in a couple of weeks I'd work for a lower HR...though as someone with hypertension and a family history of heart disease, I'd probably address both.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I looked at your diary. Have you tried lower carb?

    I'd suggest to eat more fat and protein and drop your carbs to under 80g per day.

    Fruit has vitamins and healthy things in it, but there's still a lot of sugar. I'd cut down on my fruit, cut out juice, and replace with vegetables.

    You're definitely on the right track with more homemade stuff.

    Also, have you considered that you're perhaps working out too much? Too much exercise results in higher levels of cortisol, which can really slow down weight loss.
  • MiaMcBetty
    MiaMcBetty Posts: 45
    I agree with everyone else, you really need to try and eat back most of you exercise calories. This can seem like a lot of food but if you eat some almonds or other nuts that you enjoy,it's not too much food but it adds up the calories and they are healthy, good fats. Yould could also add avocado to salads to get the calories up. Or snack more often on healthy things like dried fruits.

    Read this article, it is long and a little difficult to understand but by the end you get a better idea of why it's important to eat them back.

    I've only been on MFP for about a month, just started exercising consistently. The first week I didn't eat my exercise calories and I didn't lose anything. Last week (after reading the above article) I ate most of them back and lost .7kg :)

    Good luck!
  • kellydoyle76
    Fuel the fire! Eat more and more often.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    thank you soooooooo much everyone!!!!!
    you are all my life savers!!!!!

    im going to try eat alot more this week!
    really build my meals up.
    i dont wanna stuffmyself til im full but i will add stuff like nuts and seeds to my oats and more veggies and more meat for lunch.
    i dont fill it with chocolate and and chips cause i know that will incase my calories but for all the wrong reasons!!

    thanks agaisn everyone ill give it ago :)
  • courtneywilcock
    This was super useful info!!!!! Definitely applying some of this! x