April Highlights

Machka9 Posts: 24,885 Member
Tell us about some of your highlights this April and/or in the first third of the year. :)

What has gone well for you?
What are you celebrating?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    Nothing wonderful in April for me.
    Just wanted to say you are wonderful @Machka9. I am always amazed by your cycling tales.

    Cheers, h.
  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    Wow, I love your April achievements, what a successful month it has been for you, awesomeness!

    I reached my -40kg loss in April! It made me so happy that I celebrated way too much and now I am back at -39kg and bloated, lol! But I am back on track and motivated to keep pushing! :trollface:

    Also I started the c25k in April and today marks day 1 of week 4 and am surprisingly excited about it! Never thought I could enjoy running, but apparently it is much more enjoyable if it ain't for catching buses or trains ;)

    Let's rock May!
  • lindafit4life21
    lindafit4life21 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Linda I have 20 pounds to lose . Sure could use some friends please to help me along the way . Currently 148 I will weigh in tomorrow. In a size 12 I want an 8 or 10 . Thanks for anyone sending me a request
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,885 Member
    Nothing wonderful in April for me.
    Just wanted to say you are wonderful @Machka9. I am always amazed by your cycling tales.
    Cheers, h.
    naomillion wrote: »
    Wow, I love your April achievements, what a successful month it has been for you, awesomeness!
    @Machka9 - my achievements are nothing compared to yours but you've given me something to aspire to :)

    Thank you. :):)

    Everyone here is doing well!

  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I though my April really wasn't very successful. My back was troubling me so I was very limited in the amount of movement I could do and yet...

    - I walked 150km
    - I lost 1kg (I would have been thrilled maintaining)

    Small successes but I'll take them :smile:

    For May I want to:

    - walk at least that far
    - lose another 1kg (or maintain)
    - cycle as much and as far as I can (getting my bike tomorrow!)

  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    - cycle as much and as far as I can (getting my bike tomorrow!)

    This is wonderful (In the words of Olaf; can you tell I have a toddler?). Cycling is such fun! If you haven't cycled for a while, beware of spending too much time in the saddle in one go - last Friday, my DH decided to have a go (yay him). I kept telling him not to do too much as he'd be in pain, he ignored me and cycled for an hour. He was in a lot of pain, I think that today is the first day that he hasn't moaned about it.

  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    - cycle as much and as far as I can (getting my bike tomorrow!)

    This is wonderful (In the words of Olaf; can you tell I have a toddler?). Cycling is such fun! If you haven't cycled for a while, beware of spending too much time in the saddle in one go - last Friday, my DH decided to have a go (yay him). I kept telling him not to do too much as he'd be in pain, he ignored me and cycled for an hour. He was in a lot of pain, I think that today is the first day that he hasn't moaned about it.

    You and Machka are actually a bit my inspirations. I doubt I'll ever reach the long distances that she does, but I admire the perseverance both of you are showing. I know it's possible. I just have to do it :smile:

    My plan is to do the 5km loop I'm usually jogging to start with. It's also a loop which takes me far away from normal road traffic. I haven't cycled in 20 years so I know I need to take it easy and get used to being on a bike again before I try longer distances and add regular road traffic to the mix. I can easily work out for 1 hour, so I know I have the necessary basis.

    My long term goal is to use my cycle for part of my commute starting in September (the 7km to the nearest train station and back to avoid being limited by the rather sparse bus schedule).

    My plan looks as follows
    In May:
    Do that 5km loop 2-3 times a week after work
    Try for a longer loop (10-15km) on the weekend.

    In June
    Switch to the loop (still around 5km) that will take me through hills and easy traffic (add the first loop on every second ride)
    Longer loop on the weekend (try for 20km)

    In July
    Start adding the 14km loop (train station and back - includes some moderately difficult traffic situations) and alternate with the other loops
    Try to cycle to my brother's place (30km) at least once

    In August
    Try to do the 14km to the train station and back every day (with a stop at the pool which is 500m beyond the train station up a nasty little hill that I hated as a kid :wink: )

    I'll see how it goes and adapt from there. The pessimist in me is telling me it's going to be too much. The optimist in me is telling me that that cycle to my brother's is going to be a breeze and the return trip is totally doable on the same day and that in May already :tongue: )
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    April was a huge highlight in my life. I wrote this post about why-

    Today is my 40th birthday- Reaching it is my best fitness achievement to date and the reason I started this thread

    Now that is a significant day in anyone's life but for me it is the day I have fought against for 13 years.
    At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. I lived on under 800 calories a day for years. (Ramen noodles and rice cakes were my total diet.)
    I was hospitalised and force pump fed via a vpn twice over the years.
    Due to the lack of nutrients during my developing years I have severe bone density issues which used to be able to leave me not able to get out of bed for a week at a time. The pain was ridiculous and I lived on pain killers to get through every day.
    Then at the age of 26 I met my husband. He made me see life in a different way and I started to fight against it. I started to eat the number of calories my body needed and I started to take calcium and vitamin D daily. I got stronger with every week and month that passed.
    I started to exercise to help with bone density and strengthen the muscles around my spine (L1&2 C12 totally damaged). There were times I literally cried with pain to get up but get up I did.
    Further down the line I was strong enough to start the couch to 5K. Running was my aim due to the way it strengthens bones.
    Then from there went on to 10k and half marathon training.
    Fast forward to now and I am not in a wheel chair like the Doctors said I would be by 40 if I lived that long.
    I'm 40, ran 12 miles on Sunday, have very little pain and get a lot less bone cracks or breaks every year.

    Don't listen to your limitations- Push it with every thing you've got. Your older self will thank you for it.

    To any one who under eats calories. Don't. I look much better now with a BMI of 20 then I did as a skeleton with a clothes hanger for shoulders!

    This is so inspirational. I want to hit all of the buttons at the bottom of your post but can't. You are an amazing, incredibly strong person. I am full of admiration.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    April was a huge highlight in my life. I wrote this post about why-

    Today is my 40th birthday- Reaching it is my best fitness achievement to date and the reason I started this thread

    Now that is a significant day in anyone's life but for me it is the day I have fought against for 13 years.
    At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. I lived on under 800 calories a day for years. (Ramen noodles and rice cakes were my total diet.)
    I was hospitalised and force pump fed via a vpn twice over the years.
    Due to the lack of nutrients during my developing years I have severe bone density issues which used to be able to leave me not able to get out of bed for a week at a time. The pain was ridiculous and I lived on pain killers to get through every day.
    Then at the age of 26 I met my husband. He made me see life in a different way and I started to fight against it. I started to eat the number of calories my body needed and I started to take calcium and vitamin D daily. I got stronger with every week and month that passed.
    I started to exercise to help with bone density and strengthen the muscles around my spine (L1&2 C12 totally damaged). There were times I literally cried with pain to get up but get up I did.
    Further down the line I was strong enough to start the couch to 5K. Running was my aim due to the way it strengthens bones.
    Then from there went on to 10k and half marathon training.
    Fast forward to now and I am not in a wheel chair like the Doctors said I would be by 40 if I lived that long.
    I'm 40, ran 12 miles on Sunday, have very little pain and get a lot less bone cracks or breaks every year.

    Don't listen to your limitations- Push it with every thing you've got. Your older self will thank you for it.

    To any one who under eats calories. Don't. I look much better now with a BMI of 20 then I did as a skeleton with a clothes hanger for shoulders!

    Wow! That is amazing. I am so glad you found a reason to turn your life around.
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