amy winehouse vs. norway tragedy...



  • Foofyknickers
    Foofyknickers Posts: 37 Member
    I hate to sound callous here, but the papers and news programmes go with what's current. So we had the Norway tragedy for a couple of days, then another story came up. That's what happens. No one is saying though that it diminishes the importance of what happened to those poor children in Norway. I know my thoughts are with the families affected by this, and also with the Winehouse family.
    Yes Amy was an addict, and basically this was no surprise. I wouldn't even say I was a fan of hers, but at the end of the day, she was someone's daughter. Another mother has lost her child. My heart goes out to anyone who has to endure that, whatever the circumstances.
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    I think it is really awful about both Norway and Amy Winehouse.

    It is horrific what happened to the teens on that Island and what happened in Oslo. You wouldn't dare think about being in their positions and i feel horrible for them, their friends and families.

    However, it is also awful what happened to Amy. She has a horrible addiction. She'd been to rehab before. I'm sure this wasn't the way she had dreamt her life would go. I'm sure her family and friends are just as heartbroken. I know people with addictions and it takes such a grip, they have to fight constantly for control.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to all of them....

    Unfortunately, it's the paper's job to print what people are going to read. If we didn't buy papers like this, they wouldn't print them, and yes, it is very sad.

    Agree with this. The loss of any life is sad, in my opinion.
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    well I absolutely LOVED amy winehouse and am really really upset that she has died. She was a tortured soul and a creative genius and her music and her voice moved me. I think its an absolute tragedy that she couldnt even face sobriety no matter how many times she tried to get rehab. RIP AMY

    Oh AND i care about the children who died in Norway. Thats an absolute tragedy too, but MY heart is big enough to care about all of it because im not an unfeeling MORON like some of you

    You dont need to compare the two. Its not some sort of morbid competition

  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I choose not to compare as they are two totally different situations and IMO not comparable.

    Who can compare the senseless, random murder of almost 100 people to the death of someone who was addicted to drugs?

    I am sympathetic to AW - I am a recovering addict myself (I was a smoker for 15 years!! I am only too aware how hard it is to KNOW something is going to kill you but still wanting / needing to do it anyway)

    In fact many of us here to some level have an addictive relationship with food so we should show compassion and understanding instead of hatred. Yes AW was an addict but I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that her death is more "important" that what happened in Norway??

    So as I say wont even discuss AW and Norway in the same sentence any more - they are not to be pitted against each other IMO.

    (and just to advise that here is the UK the awful event in Norway is top news story online, on the radio, on the TV and on the vast majorty of news papaers!)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i feel for amy's family i truely do, but i admit to having little sympathy for amy herself, whilst i know that addiction is hard to beat, she had so many chances to turn her life around and had a much stronger support network than a lot of other addicts do and she wasted those chances and i think this is a great shame.

    but i have been very annoyed with the ammount of coverage her death has received in comparison to the deaths in norway and china, especially when 2 seperate news reports (on different channels) have reported it as being the main news this weekend, one (bbc3) even said it was the only news that weekend on one of its reports on saturday

    well said.
  • MissionABS
    MissionABS Posts: 80
    Here's a headline that is filed under my Who Cares column.

    "Music stars who died at the age of 27"

    If only the news media would stick with just reporting the news instead of sensationalizing it.