A quick "hello"....

....I'm Danielle & after getting a new BB, I downloaded this app. I had a baby almost 7 months ago & can no longer dine out on the "Well I have JUST had a baby!" excuse for the extra timber ;)
I have always struggled with my weight & have been a lithe 8st 8lbs to my current weight of 14st 8lbs....a whole 6st difference! I have tried pretty much every diet programme under the sun; Weightwatchers, Slimming World, Atkins, Cambridge (NEVER again!) and I now understand that it's about just good old fashioned healthy eating and exercise!

My weight had started to creep up from 10st slowly but surely and I began the Cambridge diet (for the 3rd time in 2 years) and then I fell pregnant so took that as a Green light to "eat for two"....huuuuge mistake! I weighed in at over 16st just before I gave birth!! My weight is now affecting my health and so a big change is in order....I am back to work now after Maternity leave and I think it's gonna be easier for me to follow this plan as I'm a lot busier and no longer "lunching" with the ladies on a daily basis!

Would love to chat to others and will be blogging as often as I can to update on my progess...even if no one reads it, I like to write anyway :)

Good Luck to everyone in same/similar boat as me!

Danielle xoxo


  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    welcome to the MFP family.. good luck in your journey..
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Danielle

    MFP is a great site to help you on the way. Lots of tools and loads of friendly people, so start adding friends, fill out your diary and you're away!

    I have found it a big help to me in reducing what I eat. Now I need to increase the exercise.

    Good Luck

    Di :smile:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Danielle!