Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Seruru
    Seruru Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to have more friends! I have 74lbs to lose and am also aiming to be able to run 10k.

    No matter what your goals are, please feel free to add me. :)
  • dragonfly96819
    dragonfly96819 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a newbie here and could use more friends and motivators. I'm starting running on my own and going to the gym. All the support and kick in the butt I can get to get me moving would be great.
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    Yeah add me..

    I'm 25, 5'4, humorous, mom, bicurious, not filtered
  • ClassicKayo
    ClassicKayo Posts: 26 Member
    Only been using this app for a few days now. Looking to shed some pounds. I could use some more motivated friends on here! :)
  • jessesjourney78
    jessesjourney78 Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me...., I love to chat
  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    hello feel free to add me
  • jamskybly
    jamskybly Posts: 7 Member
    Add me for that extra motivation we both need!
  • symanthasenn
    symanthasenn Posts: 7 Member
  • BoomyBabe
    BoomyBabe Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love some more friends, feel free to add me anyone!
  • Heni300
    Heni300 Posts: 19 Member
    Add me... need friends to keep me on track
  • rebecca_beckerz
    rebecca_beckerz Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I kind of just started. I was on here a few years back but sort of forgot about it.. But, Ive been back now and would love some motivational and positive friends
  • Betchaican
    Betchaican Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Anyone can add me. Always looking for reciprocal motivation. Also looking for Fitbit friends too. Let's do this!
  • IowaGirl1982
    IowaGirl1982 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love mfp friends!! I recently started doing a Low carb lifestyle. Would love to be friends with others for support. I have a lot to lose, but, taking things one day at a time. I'm almost 35, married, 3 girls, from Iowa.. I enjoy gardening, baking and cooking, started weight lifting a few months ago which I'm enjoying more than I thought I would.. Feel free to add me!!
  • N0easyway0ut
    N0easyway0ut Posts: 193 Member
    Add me.... active user, daily logger, open diary! add away!!!
  • Mercadeze
    Mercadeze Posts: 12 Member
    Add me
  • umbreon1
    umbreon1 Posts: 2 Member
    add me!
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Xceptional
    Xceptional Posts: 8 Member
    Looking to excel and a great way to help achieve that is motivation! Looking for friends to share in our successes.
  • nbrownmc
    nbrownmc Posts: 10 Member
    LCHF/Keto eater here :smile:
    I'm re-starting today with 100.7 lbs to lose until my goal weight.
    Feel free to add me -- always looking for new friends to cheer on and look to for motivation!
  • Sally4Change
    Sally4Change Posts: 21 Member
    I am looking for friends. Feel free to add me.