"I've Blown It"

I think this little cartoon represents exactly how we are prone to respond when we have an off-plan moment on our weight loss journey.

We think "oh well I've blown it now" and eat ourselves out of house and home as a result.

Really what we should be remembering is that one pizza isn't going to make us fat, just like one salad isn't going to make us skinny.



  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
  • mshelyla
    mshelyla Posts: 36 Member
    That cartoon is the story of how I've felt my whole life. It's kind of eye opening to see it like that though.
  • Velodessey76
    Velodessey76 Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel, don't worry babe, help is on hand. It's ok to enjoy a celebratory meal with friends and family, eat your fill relish it all. Tomorrow is a new day...fresh start.... just keep recording everything, and be proud of yourself for carrying on..x
  • stelly76
    stelly76 Posts: 120 Member
    When you lose 5 lbs in one month and 0 lbs the next...it's so easy to feel discouraged, but dammit...you lost 5 whole pounds last month!!!
  • _emma_78
    _emma_78 Posts: 64 Member
    I know it's the mentality of dropping your phone and you think: may as well just smash it now!
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    _emma_78 wrote: »
    I know it's the mentality of dropping your phone and you think: may as well just smash it now!

    My favorite is - "You get a flat tire so you may as well just slash the other three!"
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    This is by FAR the hardest part of the mental game for me. Even on a day like today, when I'm just a few hundred calories over (which I could walk off in 60 minutes), it's a battle to not raid the pantry because I've already "blown it."

    This is the part that really hasn't gotten any easier in 16 months of MFP. It's also why sometimes I just go to bed at 8pm.