Help it's time of the month



  • BrooklynBooty
    BrooklynBooty Posts: 39 Member
    I only weigh myself once a week in the morning on an empty stomach. I still weigh myself when I have my period but I make allowances for 1-3 lbs of water weight during that time.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    The only difference is the bleeding, so I don't do anything different except manage the bleeding.

    I can't lie, I'm pretty envious of this. I wish the only difference for me was the bleeding. Just the cramping alone can sap my day to day willpower.

    Oh man twistedingenue I agree so much, this is sort of an unfair post. Bleeding is NOT the only difference for a lot of people, and this post really really makes me hate my body... and sorta hate women who do not experience other symptoms. So not fair, and not the nicest thing to post on this thread!! I get insane cramps that typically put me in bed for 2-3 days curled up in a ball. Therefore I typically cannot workout on day 1-2 because I can barely walk! I am happy with myself if I can manage to take my dog for a short walk one of those days as that is the most mobile I can be.

    I typically give in to my cravings but make sure I stay within my calorie goal, sometimes going up a bit from my limit but for sure still beneath my maintenance. I typically crave greasy foods, like Chick-Fil-A crispy chicken, pizza with ranch and red wine. And I allow myself to have it, just maybe 2 slices of pizza and not 5. I adjust the following week accordingly and get back on track. And I do weigh myself daily, but that helps me to know on an average basis how much I am retaining each month. I am 100% confident that I put on 3-5 lbs, so weighing myself even during this time sorta helps me know that okay, your pants are tight but you are in the normal average for this time so don't fret.
  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    I never weigh myself during TOM, I know it's just normal fluctuations but I still find it discouraging.
  • OliviaCounts
    OliviaCounts Posts: 36 Member
    I can go up 5-7 lbs in the days leading up to (which are so sporadic I never know when they are). When I see that I suspect that its the "bloat before the storm." As a poster said above, for the first 2 days of the actual TOM I feel so bad from the cramping that I don't want to eat extras, which generally evens it out.
  • FindingAwesome
    FindingAwesome Posts: 1,482 Member
    I often buy a small package of mcdonalds french fries and suck off every. single. grain. of. salt. It makes me happy.


    My weight, surprisingly ;), goes up around that time, and usually returns to normal afterwards.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    I never weigh during that time. I usually go a little easy with the exercise on my heavier days (1-2 days). I like to use that as a bit of an exercise break since I am usually pretty tired and crampy anyways. I also let myself have a few extra calories (like 300-400). I know when it is coming, so I try to bank up calories the few days before, so I don't ruin my deficit.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    The only difference is the bleeding, so I don't do anything different except manage the bleeding.

    That's really not true for the majority of women out there though. I personally have a very manageable short period, but I know a lot of women that really suffer during that time of the month. So we are definitely the lucky ones in that regard.

    As for cravings - I think if you need to, it's okay to eat maintenance during your period. Make some room for some extra treats if that's what you're craving - just make sure to continue logging everything and don't go overboard.