How to Work Out in the Morning

I am a super busy gal and working out in the morning would be ideal for me however im just always to sleepy and unmotivated to get my butt the the gym. Does anyone have any experience in this that they can give me some tips. If i could get a morning workout in i could increase my frequency at the gym dramaticly, i just need to know how!
Thanks So much!


  • FaithHopeTrust
    FaithHopeTrust Posts: 105 Member
    invest in a SAD light? :)
  • cawfeesong
    cawfeesong Posts: 34
    I have to literally force myself on the treadmill almost daily, but once it is over, I am so happy to be done with it for the day.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    it sucks to get up for the gym in the morning, BUT it is well worth it.

    I put my alarm in a different room so i have to get out of bed to turn it on
    I have everything packed and laid out so no thinking is necessary in the morning
    I go to bed early to make sure i get enough sleep

    when in doubt, keep in mind how good you feel after a work out!
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Have you ever thought about working out from home?
    I would recommend one of the products from As half of the battle is getting from your bed to the gym. If you bring the gym to're only left with the 'getting out of bed battle'...not the battle of getting from your house to the gym.

    I personally do P90X and love it. The amount of time it would take me to leave my house, hop in my car, drive to the gym and return back home is how much time it takes to do the workouts. The Beachbody products take on range from 10 minutes to 90 minutes to perform.
  • Anya143
    Anya143 Posts: 27 Member
    The best way that works for me, I have home workout videos, and it's easy for me to get up and do them early in the morning.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    *Just my opinion*
    Make yourself go for 3 weeks. Once you form the habit you will wake up excited about working out.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Depends what sort of thing you want to do. My technique is to dock my ipod and turn the volume UP on music I've specifically picked for having a beat that makes me WANT to move. Then I lay on the floor, feet under the sofa listening to it and by the end of song 1 I've begun my routine :P
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I am not a morning person and have always worked out at night. I ujsut recently began doing some a.m. workouts. I decided I wanted to get more workout time in each day and adding on in the a.m. was my only option. I just do it! I set the alarm for about 20 minutes earlier than i want to get up. I wake to my iPod so I listen to music for a bit while I work at psyching myself up for the workout. I decide before going to bed what I will do and for how long and get psyched for it then as well. You just need to decide to do it and then follow through with it. Once you start feeling better and seeing numbers change, be it scale or measurements, it makes you want t do it more. I started with working out 2 mornings a week, on days I knew I would get only a short workout in at night. Then I found other days where I could get a good a.m. workout in as well as a good p.m. one in. Weekends I workout later in the a.m. if we are home. I am a home workout person.
  • krazykool
    krazykool Posts: 11
    if you lay your workout clothes out and just everything you need thats like have the battle lol and once your dressed why waste that effort by not going to the gym :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Oh, if only. I have started a morning exercise routine more times than I can count. I just can't stick with it. I am so not a morning person. It would be fantastic if I could, get it out of the way for the day, feel proud of myself that I did it and have the whole rest of the day not to. I loathe to exercise. Mainly because I hate to sweat.

    It's cliche, but you have to find an exercise and routine that work for you. It's not easy to find that perfect combination.
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    I too am very busy and morning workouts are the best time for me but I am always tired as well. The last few weeks I have been determined to get up and make it to the gym for the 545am cycling class and each time I have been very happy that I pressed my way. I have found that exercising in the morning gives me that boost of energy that I need through out the entire day and I'm not as tired. As another person stated, get your stuff ready the night before so all you have to do is get up and go...try it, you'll be very happy that you did. You can do it :smile:
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    I struggle with the same. My issues are lack of sleep :( During summertime its hard to get the kids to bed early.
  • LongLiveJen
    LongLiveJen Posts: 18 Member
    - lay out your workout clothes the night before (as previously mentioned)
    - commit to 3 days a week to start. I tried the "get up every morning" and just gave up, even though I knew that if I stuck to it, it would become habit. I found that it's a lot easier to get up early every other day even though I'm pretty sure science would frown upon it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I just started this last week and it is totally worth it! It was a little hard to get up that early but the second I got outside. I felt super motivated and it was a nice change of scenery. I even decided to jog for a bit rather than my usually fast-paced walk.

    The best part was having more energy at work and realizing I could go home and spend time on dinner and playing with my little one and not devoting my entire night to working out and trying to fit in house stuff.
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Ditto above - home workouts!!

    DVD's are easy to pop in the player & use!

    Set multiple alarms like my daughter does - seems to work for her (most of the time anyway :laugh: )

    Good Luck

    Di :smile:
  • karenmariefl
    Get a buddy to meet you there. That worked for me. I didn't want to leave her stranded.
  • 48mystic
    48mystic Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with the working out at home suggestion. There are tons of great DVDs on the market. A previous poster mentioned Beachbody, I love their Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme programs. These workouts are about 40-45 minutes each which is great for the AM when you're short on time, take up very little space and can be done with minimal to no equipment.

    Cathe Freidrich is my fitness HERO!!! She has over a hundred DVDs....step, kickboxing, aerobics, bootcamp, weights, etc whatever you're into, she has, and will totally kick your butt with it. she has nice long clips of each dvd she puts out on her site.

    It's hard dragging my butt out of bed in the morning, but not driving to and from the gym alone is a timesaver. I also feel that getting enough sleep is part of the equation too - if you're up till midnight, getting up at 5 is going to be a lot more difficult than if you had gone to bed at 9 or 10.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I wake up at 5:30am every morning with the exception of weekends and head down to my basement and do my workout there. I just finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred last Friday and today I started another JM workout, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    It's tough for the first week or so getting up that early, but once you start feeling the result of your commitment it gets so much easier.

    Stay focused and you will succeed!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Do you have any friends at the same gym who might be prepared to go with you? My friend and I made a deal to meet at the gym every morning and because I didn't want to let my friend down, I made myself go. We ended up going every morning for nearly a year!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I am usually not a morning workout person, but recent schedule changes have forced me into it. I got started by going for a bike ride usually 30 minutes to an hour. Getting outdoors while it is still not too hot has helped. It also energizes me to come back and follow up with 30 Day Shred. Just figure out how much time you can/want to spend and plan what you will do the night before. Don't wait until you wake up to decide.