Insanity Today 7/25/11

gamecock1990 Posts: 6
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Starting Insanity today! I am about 6'1 195lbs but now that I'm in college I don't look anything like I do back in my hockey playing high school years and would want to get my 6 pac back. Hopefully everything goes well and would not mind graduating college in the best shape of my life! Please post if you have comments/opinions or anything


  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member will love Insanity! It will get you in great shape...just push play everyday and you will see results!
  • I love Insanity! I did it last year and lost 17.5 inches and about 10-15 pounds. I am doing it again and am in my sixth week. I have not been as strict with it this time though, and I am paying for it. After I finished it the first time I found out that I have a torn meniscus. My chiropractor likes to blame it on Insanity, but I am not convinced that is what did it. Just be careful with form. If you are getting tired, take a break. It is a great workout. Good luck!
  • Will do, I am not concerned about getting hurt from this program because I have played club rugby here at USC and I feel if I can survive that playing with guys almost twice as big as I am I should be ok with doing Insanity. But I will still take proper caution, thanks!
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