
My name is Mary. I started using my fitness pal about a month ago.
After sticking to a strict 1200 calorie diet, I weighed myself after 2 weeks and only lost 1 lb.
I have a bad knee and am unable to walk long distances.
I also have chronic back pain so everything is difficult.
I would appreciate any input as to how I can increase my weight loss. Thanks... :)


  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    Do you weigh/measure and log everything you eat? Normally, if you aren't losing it's related to inaccurate logging. So I would start there.

    What types of food are you eating? Some foods have a tendency to cause water retention.

    How much weight are you trying to lose? The less you have to lose, the slower the loss in most cases. A loss of 0.5 a lb a week is not a bad rate. I'd keep at it and celebrate the small gains and remember that slow weight loss tends to be more permanent than quick weight loss.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Agree with post above. Also, if you are unable to be very active you will burn less, so you have less room to create a deficit and will lose slower. It is frustrating to go slow, but try to keep in mind any progress is still great! Long term weight loss takes time, persistance, and lots of patience, but its worth it if it sets you up for keeping the weight off in the end.

    ~Best wishes
  • jamie8663
    jamie8663 Posts: 2 Member
    Remeber every step counts, even when your just even cleaning the house. And how much water are you drinling a day. Keep your chin up, you CAN DO THIS
  • Shanejo2323
    Shanejo2323 Posts: 4 Member
    Have patience it will come if you stick with it. Be honest with yourself and don't cheat... not always easy. I have lost 10 lbs but it took me 2 months and I have been working out with a trainer 2-3 times a week! I also have a bad knee that I was getting treated by a physiotherapist at the beginning of the year. She referred me to the trainer and I now look forward to my workouts. The trainer is very aware of my knee issue so she tailors my exercises to help me gain strength. Maybe an idea for you?? Good luck!!
  • rocksmarbs5
    rocksmarbs5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in. I lost at least 25 pounds with fitness pal. Then life got crazy with my dog becoming diabetic, then had cataracts, them eye surgery that went bad with 4 times a day meds. Things are settled down now ps he's doing okay. But I'm chubby again.

    So some advice. Always give yourself some slack. When the process isn't moving along or you eat something that you shouldn't, just forgive yourself and the process. Stay focused. It will happen.

    Next. Bad knees. Elliptical is the thing. 30 minutes a day. Major changes. Also, go gradual on the calorie decrease. If it is too low too fast. Today thinks it's starving and stored EVERYTHING.

    good luck. Wish you full success to your healthy ideal.
