Hi! I lost 85 pounds from October 15th 2015 to November 28th 2016.

EliseMPB Posts: 9 Member
Hi. I guess this is an app to meet people and make friends. I'd love that. People supporting me is what I need, and I have gone so far. My husband left for the Army May 16th of 2015 and by the time I was finally able to see him right at the end of October 2016 I had lost 85 pounds.
Long story short I was in the best shape ever, and now I'm living with him and our son of course in Georgia.
Send living with him here I have gained another 20 pounds. I have now started taking my prescribed pill Phentermine and have lost 6 pounds in the last week. This is the pill that was prescribed by my doctor in the beginning and that also helped me lose the 85 pounds. If you really want to lose weight go to your doctor and tell them that and they should prescribe you with something that can help. It was just an appetite suppressant and energy booster and it completely work for me.
I stopped taking the pill since I moved to Georgia. I gained 20 pounds like I said I think. Now since taking the pill the last week I have lost 7 pounds in one week. It is a great thing to have. I eat well and healthy and I get all my nutrients that I need but I do not overeat at all I eat the exact portions that are recommended and I do not snack. I used to snack all the time but because of this pill i feel no Temptation whatsoever. If you want what I have a go to your doctor and talk to them about losing weight and getting prescribed something that can help. I don't really know where I'm going with this anymore LOL, I do drink and I still lost weight every day. It's almost too easy. But I do run with my jogging stroller with my 40 pound toddler everyday for 45 mns. Please talk to me and ask me any questions because I am absolutely here to help people and to be there in 2 encourage them to become the person they want to be. Thank you. Please please please talk to me if you want to I am so here and so ready to answer questions. :-)


  • EliseMPB
    EliseMPB Posts: 9 Member
    I have always looked for answers and how to start losing more than 50 plus pounds. Going to my doctor and asked him about how to help me lose weight was a change in my life. I looked up weight loss doctors ---and I didn't have any procedures done on me at all. It was just my new Doctor Who was specialized in weight loss and he prescribed me a pill Called Phentermine and I took that once a day before breakfast either 30 minutes before breakfast or about an hour and a half after breakfast and about an hour after I took the pill I was not hungry anymore and it was more energized and that is when I worked out.
  • EliseMPB
    EliseMPB Posts: 9 Member
    I know my post and my comment might be a little bit sloppy, because I am using the voice command. But I have never had anyone be there for me with experienced experience. Does that make sense? I never thought that I be able to lose weight. I'm not trying to set up any type of program or anything I am literally telling you this app that I lost 85 pounds in a year without any type of sacrifice in my mind or anything. Truly talk to me if you need help. And I am now 50 pounds from my goal weight and I have taken the pill once again for the last week and have truly lost 6 pounds. Most likely that is from water loss because I probably consumed a lot of salt and that helped. But still it is nice to see the number on the scale LOL. Please talk to me I'm here for everyone no judgement all love good for you for wanting to be more healthy. Please talk!
  • EliseMPB
    EliseMPB Posts: 9 Member
    I have no judgement. I truly wish to help as many people as I can. Besides me talking about my pill of course I have a lot of good workout routines that are completely doable truly. And I have great and easy recipes for cooking and what to buy exactly at the grocery store. I feel like I have everything that would have been handy for me in the beginning to start losing weight. Any questions or recipe questions or once of a grocery list or anything I am always here because I would love support as well so I am more than willing to give support. Thank you so much. Hope to hear from anyone soon!
  • EliseMPB
    EliseMPB Posts: 9 Member
    I KNOW IT'S A LOT TO READ SO IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE READING OR WHATEVER REASON ADD me as a friend. I'll make much shorter statements haha. Thanks.