Having a hard time exercising

Hello, I'm kinda of new here. I haven't been on here for a year now. I was doing so good with working out and eating right than life happen and I've gotten lazy. I didn't have the motivation like I use to. I also work night shift so when I come home in the morning all I want to do is sleep. Where I live at we have a workout area, and I try my best to go down there me and my husband, but I just don't have the energy.


  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    It really comes down to your priorities and how badly you want results. It's a goal you have to sacrifice certain wants for (like that extra 30-60 minutes of sleep) and chase every day.

    On a more practical note; you may find that if you workout consistently your quality of sleep will increase and you won't be so tired. Seems backwards to do more work to be less tired but it works for a lot of people, and it worked for me.
  • Tierrar3
    Tierrar3 Posts: 13 Member
    I guess you're right. I really want to keep going with working out I don't want to fall off again. Thank you.