Garmin Connect - Steps Calories and Calories from Cross Trainer Double Counted?

Hello there

Not sure if anyone can help a noob please!?

I have linked myfitnesspal to my Garmin Connect (Vivosmart HR+). Problem is when I do a work out on the cross trainer, I get the calories it estimates I've burned during the workout but its also counting these as steps so I'm getting additional calories added for this on top of the actual work out calories. Feels like I'm cheating and clearly dont want to think I've got more calories then I actually have.

Could be just me misunderstanding things, any ideas please?

Thanks in advance


  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I thought the same - but if you look at MFP it breaks out the way Garmin "gives" the workout calories and it doesn't double count.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I found the same thing when I had a VivoSmart HR. There is something wrong with the software for that device if you use the activity function. It does just what you describe and counts calories from the activity as well as the steps, so yeah, it double counts them.

    One solution is to not use the activity function and just use it as a step counter. That's what my wife is doing.

    My solution was to give it to my wife and buy a VivoActive HR, which does not have the issue, is far more accurate for calorie burn and has a lot more flexibility in what it can track. Downside is it is more money. I really like my VAHR.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    If there was a bug in the device, I'm pretty sure Garmin would have corrected it a long time ago. Can you show us a screen shot of your diary?
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2017
    Thanks for replying so soon, what a great community!
    I've attached a screenshot from yesterday. To explain further my query is; line 4 on the table is a workout I did on my cross trainer, line 5 is my calorie adjustment for the day. So my question is: does the line 5 include steps registered during the activity in line 4? Hope that makes sense!j9n7qwiv0apg.png
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    I've just noticed something further actually which could mean my figure in MFP is actually correct, if you look at the daily activity calories in Garmin Connect = 651 but MFP only has 599. So maybe that difference of 52 is the calories for the steps while i was on the cross trainer?
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    The difference between the 651 and 599 is just a result of different formulas used in GC and MFP.
    What is your activity level set to in MFP? What are your other stats?
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Looks to me as if your step goal is set too low - at 6000 and you did 10K+ maybe that's why it's giving you extra? Mine is 11590 and I only get extra cals after that - and sometimes not even then 16,3444 yesterday and no adjustment.
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, will be worth upping my daily goal then by the sounds of it. I'll give that a go.
    My activity level is set to sedentary (lowest). Office job, pretty much sat at my desk permanently!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I don't think it's your step goal. Mine works properly, and I have the thing where the watch changes my step goal every day. Today's goal is 8,014 steps. (I'm a cyclist.)

    You set yourself as sedentary, which means MFP really isn't expecting much of you. Oh, you went to the bathroom to pee instead of just soiling the couch? Good job, you've finished your exercise for the day. Holy crap, you went to the bathroom twice??!? I'm not making fun of you, that's what "sedentary" means to MFP.

    So, you go out and do a dedicated exercise, and those calories come over more or less intact. But then all the random walking you do that isn't part of a tracked workout, you're burning calories for them, too. You're expected to burn a certain number, but it's a very low number, and when you exceed it, you get an adjustment. The adjustment just means "hey you weren't really sedentary today so here's what you get at your measured activity level."
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    A good point - mine is set at lightly active.
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    Ahh makes sense although I dont think id want to set it to non-sedentary tbh as I dont think its a true reflection. I think its more a case of "wow ive got this new toy, need to do loads of steps/exercise ...." but it will probably wear off at some point (hopefully not though!)

    Anyway the long of short of it, looks like it's working correct then?
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I played with my VAHR a while back. If I set it to sedentary, i get a lower start and calories added during the day. If I set it to lightly active, I get a higher start and lose calories during the day. I end up in about the same place, but I'd rather see the "reward" for getting up off my *kitten* than lose calories for the same activity.

    Are you using the activity feature on the watch?
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    yeah im using the activity feature quite a bit to be fair. dont get me wrong i'm no runner! (or not at the moment anyway) but being doing lots of walking and a bit of swimming too.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Make sure you have negative adjustments enabled, apart from that it looks like it's working correctly
  • gavinrobinson35
    gavinrobinson35 Posts: 7 Member
    Yep got those enabled, thanks