N00b from AZ

onefuzzy Posts: 33 Member
Hello all!

To all my friends I have always been known as a very active person. I run, I cycle, I workout 5x a week and I have used this as an excuse to eat whatever I want.

A couple of months ago while training for a 1/2 marathon I injured my hip. Since then, I have been unable to continue working out as much I had previously, which in turn has caused me to gain 10lbs. I have fallen into the visious cycle of emotional eating and not working out as much, since I have been limited to what I can do right now.

I am making a recommitment to myself today to take control of my eating habits, starting to exercise within my limits.

I am trying to remember that...Progress-not perfection-is important.


  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    I know it's tough but, hang in there you will get better and get back your movement.
  • hi!

    Good luck, I hope your hip is recovering and you can find other ways of exercising. I've sent off for some weights as that's worked well for me in the past.
  • janik
    janik Posts: 1
    Good Luck!! Hope your hip recovers and you can reach your goals!
  • onefuzzy
    onefuzzy Posts: 33 Member
    I just started physical therapy last week for my hip. They have given me some exercises (and some hope) to get me going in the right direction!
  • teena82
    teena82 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome!!! Glad your are committing to getting back on track, that can be the hardest part sometimes! I hope you are healing well. :smile:
  • onefuzzy
    onefuzzy Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement!