Buddies wanted UK

Ralovi Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2017 in Getting Started
It's day zero on the weight loss plan and looking for some buddies!

I'm early thirties in South London - had the classic weight creep during my twenties, and some hectic work years! Aiming to lose 3 stone (which will get me to middle of the healthy BMI).

Great to buddy with someone with similar aims and for motivation (I find maintaining a gym routine the most difficult!)


  • goatishorny
    goatishorny Posts: 2 Member
    Friend request sent. Similar target weight but I've only got about 14lbs left to lose. I don't gym but do workout at home 3 times a week (don't always record it).
  • Roxymcqueen
    Roxymcqueen Posts: 33 Member
    I'm Hampshire! I'm getting married in 3 months and although I've been on a forever diet, I have got pretty much nowhere :(
    So I'm back on mfp and going to try and work this butt off! I too could do with some motivational friends x