dont know what i am doing wrong.



  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    "Overview (why I'm posting this)
    Best health to you all!

    -Banks "
    Sorry didn't want to quote the lot, but wanted to recognize it and say thanks.
    I was looking for something this morning. I've been in a slump for a couple weeks and not really gaining or losing, but feeling just really de-motivated. I think this may have been exactly what I needed to see this morning to start my week off a little better,
    so... Thank You

    I agree. This was an awesome post!
  • Nishka09
    Nishka09 Posts: 33
    Just a thought, but maybe consider making your diary private and only viewable to you, then be extra honest with yourself and log every little thing you eat. I have only been here 2 weeks, but I shared my diary with friends b/c I like to get ideas from other people's entries, and would like to offer the same. But to be perfectly honest, it is a real struggle to log food honestly when I am having a bad day, as I am aware others will be seeing my entries and I may feel embarrassed, afraid of what others will think, etc. I have logged it nonetheless, but in the moment I am doing it, I often wonder, what decision do others make in this moment? For this reason I think an open diary has its pros and cons.
    Anyways, you have done great so far!! 54 pounds is an amazing accomplishment.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Just a thought, but maybe consider making your diary private and only viewable to you, then be extra honest with yourself and log every little thing you eat. I have only been here 2 weeks, but I shared my diary with friends b/c I like to get ideas from other people's entries, and would like to offer the same. But to be perfectly honest, it is a real struggle to log food honestly when I am having a bad day, as I am aware others will be seeing my entries and I may feel embarrassed, afraid of what others will think, etc. I have logged it nonetheless, but in the moment I am doing it, I often wonder, what decision do others make in this moment? For this reason I think an open diary has its pros and cons.
    Anyways, you have done great so far!! 54 pounds is an amazing accomplishment.

    i am honest, and no totaly private would not be good, there have been times when i have wanted something bad like a candy bar, and the thing that stops me is knowing i would hav to put it in my diary and people woulds see i F'up. Sometimes peer pressure is positive
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    if i do try to increas cals. which i will say that almost every other web sit caculater has me eating more, and quite frankly i am not going to loose what i want before my cruise, so well if i do gain anything, i wont have to buy new clothes, and i can just hide in the cabin.

    but any suggestions on things to eat, those days that i can get to 1200 -1300 cals eaten, well i push it to get there
  • Just my 2 cents: You can't look at eating a candy bar as "f'ing up". It's just food. Don't give it so much power and it won't run your life. Look at it as what it is - a candy bar. An occasional treat. If you have the calories and REALLY want one then go for it! Log it and move on. :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    if i do try to increas cals. which i will say that almost every other web sit caculater has me eating more, and quite frankly i am not going to loose what i want before my cruise, so well if i do gain anything, i wont have to buy new clothes, and i can just hide in the cabin.

    but any suggestions on things to eat, those days that i can get to 1200 -1300 cals eaten, well i push it to get there

    But you are gaining doing what you are doing! You have to try something new and seems like everyone agrees that it should be eating more food. You'll never know until you try it (and really try it, give it 2-3 weeks not just a few days).
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Yup, eat more. /echo
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    if i do try to increas cals. which i will say that almost every other web sit caculater has me eating more, and quite frankly i am not going to loose what i want before my cruise, so well if i do gain anything, i wont have to buy new clothes, and i can just hide in the cabin.

    but any suggestions on things to eat, those days that i can get to 1200 -1300 cals eaten, well i push it to get there

    But you are gaining doing what you are doing! You have to try something new and seems like everyone agrees that it should be eating more food. You'll never know until you try it (and really try it, give it 2-3 weeks not just a few days).

    Exactly. It was scary upping my calories but even scarier to me is I went 2 months without losing a pound, so something had to give. I went from 1200 to 1400 calories, waited a couple weeks, and there was no change. I then upped it again to 1700 calories, waited a couple more weeks, and that is when the scale started moving again. Bodies don't react instantly.

    What you are doing is not working and the majority of us agree on what the problem is (not eating enough). You can keep doing what you have been doing, which I wouldn't recommend since you are at the point where you want to give up, but it isn't working for you. You realize a change is needed or you wouldn't have posted. We are here to give you the kick in the pants you need to do this!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    You also might consider dropping the Fiber Tab of your Eating Diary and Pick up Fat. I have a suspicion that might also be a culprit between fat and carbs that could be hindering. Anyway I'll shut up keep up the great work.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    You also might consider dropping the Fiber Tab of your Eating Diary and Pick up Fat. I have a suspicion that might also be a culprit between fat and carbs that could be hindering. Anyway I'll shut up keep up the great work.

    dont shut up, i f i wanted shut up i would not have oosted
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I disagree about dropping fiber. It's so important. Unless you're taking in a lot of sweets and refined stuff, I would stop tracking sugar instead.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm going to plagiarize myself. I just wrote this on another thread about a similar situation...
    Plateaus are just evil. I was on one for 6 weeks. I've only lost 2 lbs in the last 2 months. It's incredibly frustrating and hard to stay motivated and not just throw in the towel. I just kept researching and finding ways to tweak my diet. Then I'd try them out for a week or two and monitor my results. I don't want to jinx it by saying I've broken through it, but I'm currently trying something else that I hope will work. At least I was down to a new number this morning after a few days of it.

    You just have to keep researching, learning about your own body, and figuring out what works for you. Problem is, what works for one person may not work for another.

    My opinion is, if you're stalling, whatever you're doing is no longer working. Your body has adapted. Your body is getting along just fine thankyouverymuch with what you're doing. You have to change it up. But figuring out how to change it is not always easy.

    This is spot on.

    I personally don't think you are eating enough. There were days when you had 800-900 calories leftover for the day and a very small net (around 1000). Every single time I've raised my calories - I have lost weight. I know it sounds silly, ridiculous and goes completely against what we know as the way to lose weight - but you HAVE to eat in order to lose weight. Having a small calorie deficit is one thing - but when we raise that deficit too far our bodies freak out, think they are starving and get very stubborn about losing weight. In order to lose weight, we HAVE to make them comfortable. We have to eat enough that they know they aren't starving to death.

    Try upping your calories FIRST but do so in a healthy way. Do not eat those calories in junk - eat fruits, veggies, protein - stuff that is good for you. Nuts are a good way to boost your calories AND get some of the good fats that we need.

    Keep working. Figure out what YOUR body wants. If what you're doing isn't working - don't be afraid to switch things up. I've said it a thousand times and will say it again - weight loss is NOT a one size fits all journey. Our bodies are ALL different. They want and need different things. The key to success is figuring it out. Is it easy? Absolutely NOT.

    Also, I should tell you that I've learned if I go under 2200-2500 NET calories a day - my body will gain weight. Is it a quick overnight gain? No. It is a slow, but steady gain. As soon as I up my calories back to the 2200-2500 range any weight drops off within a week or so. I've been asked over and over and over "How can you GAIN weight when you eat less?" my answer is "I do not know. But, I know that in the last 18 months of struggling to lose weight - I have learned that this is how my body works". I do not have a carb sensitivity - I could eat carbs all day and be fine. I don't have an issue with sugar - I can eat sugar every single day and be fine. For ME, it is ALL about the calories in/calories out.
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I went back on your diary to April and there are WAY too many days where you just do not eat enough calories, but the little calories you do eat are from sauces, dressings, and bacon and sausage! Just because your calories for the day are low does not mean you had a good eating day. Also I noticed there is hardly any fruit at all (which is also my problem). Do you have a food scale and actually measure out your portions? Because you could be totally off and consuming a lot more calories than you think a serving size really is. Drop the buffalo wings, cheese cake and sausages and add more sandwiches and salads with fruit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I keep quoting myself, but the simple fact is, with insanity, you will burn 600-1000 calories. You need to fuel the fire and if you are only eating 1200 calories, you are netting very low numbers which is slowing you metabolism. Part of that program (along with all beachbody programs) is to eat like crazy. Below is the method I have used with great success (lost 33% of my body fat so far) and you should try the same. I bet you should be eating 2000+ calories a day. Check out both links, they should help you out.
    Here is my perception on the matter. I actually use this site just to track my calories. I use a different method to determine how many calories I should be eating and suggest it to many. According to this website, if you use their calculations, if you workout and burn 300 calories, than you should eat an extra 300 calories that day because the site has already built in a deficit for you. The more you have to lose the bigger an acceptable deficit is but the closer your goal is, the smaller your deficit should be. This is because the more muscle you have, the lower the body fat, the more fuel you body needs to sustains it's functions. Also, a deficit is should never been more than 1000 calories a day (which would allow for 2 lbs per week loss) but it more acceptable to do 1 lb a week or 500 calorie deficit. Additionally, a woman should eat not less than 1200 net calories. This is the amount of calories after you workout. So if you burn 500 calories, you need at least 1700 calories; men should be no less than 1500-1700 after workout calories from my research. Also, a large part of these calories should be driven by protein based sources. The ammino acids in the protein is what stimulates muscle growth. The more muscle your body has, the more calories you burn at rest.

    My approach looks at Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); BMR is the amount of calories you would burn if you slept 24 hours, for me, my BMR is 2000 calories. I then mutliply it by my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE); how many calories I should eat to make up for daily activities (walking, working out, etc) to get a total number of calories. Because I do a program like p90x, I multiply my 2000 calories by 1.725 which equals 3400 calories. This amount of calories is the amount I need to eat to maintain weight. I back off 500 caloires as my deficit and eat 3000 calories in a day. This is the website I use.

    I then go into a custom setup under my goals and set my daily intake for 3000 calories (well I will starting sunday, right now it's 2800 because I haven't officially started p90x until sunday). Additionally, to follow the p90x food guide, I set up custom ratio's. I do 45% of carbs, 35% of protein and 20% for fats. As I progress, I will lower protein and increase carbs. This method has worked for me and others I have worked with on the site. MFP just makes it simple for anyone to come on and lose weight. I take more of a scientific approach to weight loss. When I started I was 210 & 18% body fat. Now I am 189 and 12% body fat and hoping to break single digits within 3 months.

    Cliff notes: if you go by the sites calculations, you absolutely should eat back your workout calories as they preload the deficit. If you go by the more scientific method, you don't have to worry about it, it's already figured in your number.

    Good luck everyone.
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    OK, after reading what the others have said I agree #1 you're not eating enough. #2 You could be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat and is slimmer than fat. Eat all your calories. If you eat all your calroies and do not exercise you should still see a tiny loss. Women have a mechanism built in that STOPS losing weight if you don't eat enough. Choose a balanced snack that brings up your calories but is low in sugar. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tetra85
    tetra85 Posts: 17 Member

    I've just used mfp for one month.... so I havent hit an plateau yet :)

    But I do belive eating moore is the right way to go. Try it for a couple weeks. Don't give up.... you have done a fantastic job so far!!!

    One thing that nobody has mentions in this tread is "zigzagging"
    I havent tried this myself, but try searching the forum. Ive read many use this when they hit an plateau.

    Good luck to you, and hang in there! :smile:
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i have upped my calories, to 1490. that is was mfp gave me when i changed my goal from 2pounds a week(which wasnt happpning anyway) to 1 pound, and my activity from sedentary to to lightly active which is more acurate with my job.

    I am still a little doubtful as i lost the first 50 eating much less, but, even though my work hasnt changed i went from a 1 hour belly dance class , to joining a gym the begining of year, and going several days a week, now doing classes (spinning,zumba) and this past month Insanity daily, and still doing gym stuff several days on top of that, or running.

    so maybe i do need to increase to match activity? its still very nerous.

    as far as some of the foods, well i don t do the cooking or the main shopping, i will often go buy things I want and make them but have been a little short the extra funds, would love to be able to add more veggies, fruits well afraid to eat to many fruits, though been eating a few more. and I used to love fruits.

    and on the insanity i only tend to burn about 300 cals, hoping for a bigger burn in month two
  • wildkiger
    wildkiger Posts: 25
    bump--Thanks for the article, Banks
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    i have upped my calories, to 1490. that is was mfp gave me when i changed my goal from 2pounds a week(which wasnt happpning anyway) to 1 pound, and my activity from sedentary to to lightly active which is more acurate with my job.

    I am still a little doubtful as i lost the first 50 eating much less, but, even though my work hasnt changed i went from a 1 hour belly dance class , to joining a gym the begining of year, and going several days a week, now doing classes (spinning,zumba) and this past month Insanity daily, and still doing gym stuff several days on top of that, or running.

    so maybe i do need to increase to match activity? its still very nerous.

    as far as some of the foods, well i don t do the cooking or the main shopping, i will often go buy things I want and make them but have been a little short the extra funds, would love to be able to add more veggies, fruits well afraid to eat to many fruits, though been eating a few more. and I used to love fruits.

    and on the insanity i only tend to burn about 300 cals, hoping for a bigger burn in month two

    Trust me, the last 20 lbs are NOTHING like all the rest of the weight. The last 20 will be harder and probably take longer to lose than the first 54 lbs. But don't stress about that. I can tell you, that if you are going to the gym/doing insanity 5 days a week, you are under estimating your activity. You should be no less than moderate. I would seriously check out the link below and see where it puts you in terms of moderate exercise. Also, keep in mind, at this point, you should be aiming to turn fat into muscle. You want to do this because muscle burns fat. And the more muscle you have, the more food you can eat; the better your body is able to control weight, insulin... increase your immune system and so forth. Under eating will only harm your metabolism and harm your Basal Metobolic Rate (BMR). I can tell you from pesonal experience and working with others, that increasing your calories is the right thing to do but do a search of threads on here and they all point to severely undereating. Good luck, if you have other questions or need more information please let me know but please look at the link below.