Last night's NSV

So last night I went out do dinner with my family for my sister's 21st birthday. About 2 weeks ago I raided my closet for old, skinnier, clothes as I am shrinking out of all of my fat ones, and I found a pair of jeans that I vaguely remember buying and rarely ever wore as they were too tight. They're a darker, thicker wash than the ones that I am currently wearing, and so I figured that I would try them to see if they fit well enough to wear out.....and they did! The fit like a glove, but not overly tight where you can't move or stand. I felt great in them, and my husband thought I looked great, but the ultimate opinion came from my mother. Before I started to lose weight I would always hear from her "you need to go to the gym." Well, last night when I checked with her about the jeans, she said "you look great! They fit great! Hunny, (to my stepdad) doesn't she look great?" So that was really GREAT to hear from her. So I guess you could say that those jeans gave me 2 NSV's last night. :bigsmile: Now I'm looking forward to when they don't fit again...except this time they'll be too big rather than small.
