who has physical limitations

what are you doing to get in shape and loose weight


  • williamgeroy1008
    williamgeroy1008 Posts: 3 Member
    Well right now I am having foot issues. 2 metatarsals have fallen and they found deterioration in both feet. explains the pain and swelling. So I am thinking a stationary bike would be good right now. They are currently injecting my foot with steroids every 2 weeks in hopes of making that foot chill out.
  • glitterng
    glitterng Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning! I have so many limitations on what I can do it's rediculous. I have severe back pain due to a multitude of issues, my knees hurt constantly, I've had heart problems and strokes, and my daily stress would kill an elephant. My doctor has limited my exercise to no more than 10 minutes a day, and it has to be low-cardio. Blah. Right now I'm just using MFP to keep track of calories and lose weight this way. I was thinking of starting a Tai Chi class in June, but I think I will wait until the next class starts after I've lost some weight. I have 140lbs to lose, so just counting calories is working for me right now. Maybe when I get closer to my ideal weight I will have fewer back and knee problems and will be able to do more, but it will take time I know.

    I think the stationary bike would work well for you, as it wouldn't put any pressure on your metatarsals. If you feel up to it, maybe a swim class might work as well?
  • curvyelvie
    curvyelvie Posts: 6 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and some days it's really hard to move. Add me as a friend. I am so sorry to hear about your foot. I admire that you are not going to let this stop your work out. Resistance bands are a good work out too. Hope you feel better soon my friend.
  • williamgeroy1008
    williamgeroy1008 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies, thanks for your input. I have an array of medical issues, Fibromyalgia, RA, Lupus, Hashimotos (thyroid), degennerative disk disease. uuuggg...so yeah I feel ya when you cant move very well or at all some days. Hard to even do house work sometimes. Hopefully being able to talk to people on a regular basis will help as well. I am new to this part of MYP so how do I add you as a friend
  • Sarc_Warrior
    Sarc_Warrior Posts: 430 Member
    I'm an asthmatic and have sarcoidosis in my lungs. I focus on lifting, jogging, and walking.
  • SoulRadiation
    SoulRadiation Posts: 1,060 Member
    Walking is a great option. You can also walk in a circle around home base so you won't ever get that far away. People forget about that, but there's times that's a really good idea.

    I don't have any major physical limitations, but I wanted to make that comment as I think it's possibly a good option for somebody to use. Put on some headphones and some sneakers that work (don't let them get run down or you could hurt your feet), and start walking.

    Check out the day's news, music, anything...and when you're done you've had a healthy workout.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited May 2017

    You want a list? Asthma & allergies used to put me in the hospital for weeks at at time. Now controlled somewhat with Rx.

    But since birth, my left leg is dramatically shorter than the right, causing structural problems with my hips, my spine, my left knee, my posture; basically serious problems with my whole left side. My left foot is a size 8 shoe and my right foot is almost a 12.

    How bad is it really? My left foot has been surgically reconstructed to help compensate for the effects.
    It has also necessitated the replacement of the left Achilles tendon with an artificial one. Twice.
    I am almost always in pain but I have learned to live with, ignore and accept the discomfort.

    What do I do to get in shape?
    MMA, kickboxing, boxing, weight training, jumping rope, whatever I want.
    I have been training for almost 30 years and I have been coaching for almost 20.
    Upside? Dealing with low oxygen due to allergies and asthma means I do not panic like many people caught in a choke or strangle.

    If you have arms and legs then you can probably do SOMETHING.
    Torn ligaments, broken bones, dislocations and more from full-contact fights, but I am still training.
    It is just a matter of not making excuses and developing the discipline to keep working.

    First step is to make sure you aren't wasting time feeling sorry for yourself and lamenting that you are not "whole" like other people. People feeling sorry for you creates a feedback loop. Watch out for that as well. I almost fell prey to it myself.

    Second step is to control your food intake and take no prisoners with your diet.
    NOT eating more than you need doesn't require you to be completely "able-bodied", just disciplined.
    If you do that, you will at least lose some "weight" and it may help your mobility so you can move on to other forms of "exercise."

    No. I am not a "nice" guy. But I try very hard to be a good one.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I have had physical limitations which can reoccur periodically. I start walking around the house. Then outside. I walk slowly. I get up every half hour to 45 minutes. I have an app on my phone that I can use to increase my Spanish fluency, and I'll use it while I walk, or just enjoy the quite. Gradually, I build up the time walking. There are also strengthening mild excersizes and movements. Talk to a physiotherapist, they can advise on the level of movement and how to protect yourself from new injuries that could occur from compensating for the existing one. Slowly slowly is my advice. Also adjust your caloric intake down to your sedentary level, but be sure to eat healthily for repairing those tissues even if you go up to maintenance calories to do so.