Stay-at-home-moms 2/2-2/8

Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Most of you are a couple hours a head of me and I know y'all will be on before I will so I started the new week before I went to bed....I know I'm tricky :laugh:

Welcome Ladies!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Most of you are a couple hours a head of me and I know y'all will be on before I will so I started the new week before I went to bed....I know I'm tricky :laugh:

    Welcome Ladies!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Happy Monday mommies

    Here's to a week of stressfree workouts, healthy meals and melting flab!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    What are you having for lunch today?? I made Chicken & Black Bean Tortilla soup last night for dinner, so I'll be devouring a bowl of that. Could use some more ideas for later in the week :)
  • Hi Everyone!!!!:bigsmile:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Morning mommies.

    I overate soo bad last night that when I clicked the complete button, it said if everyday where like yesterday in 5 weeks I would gain 21 pounds. :noway: I just want to throw up today. I feel so sick. :sick: I know I should workout but I really don't want to puke on the elliptical.

    I'm gonna try to sleep today and drink plenty of water. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll feel better.

    P.S. Go Steelers!
  • Hi Everyone!!!!:bigsmile:

    Hi Trinity !!! Welcome !!!

    Good morning everyone!!!

    Ok, I think now I am starting to understand this!! I NEED to eat to lose!!! Now that I am making sure that I eat my calories I am seeing changes!! I went from 159 ish to 156.6 this past week!!! That is even with TOM approaching. I am getting excited!!

    How was everyones weekend?
    Mine was pretty homey LOL we pretty much spent the weekend at home! My Dad came to visit, he had surgery Dec 23 so he has been couped up at home so he enjoyed spending time here.

    My tv finally blew up right in the middle of a workout ARGH .... So now we are in search of a tv. Bought my new computer too!! I am so excited cant wait to get it !!!
    It was so nice yesterday Cali and I took the dog Otis for a walk !! Ive been trying to get him on the treadmill NO LUCK.... But I will keep trying!!

    Well my goal today is
    Eat my calories....
    Workout for atleast 30 minutes.....

    Well Moms have a wonderful afternoon!!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hi moms! i had a good loss last week (3.5 lbs) then i got a cold on fri and haven't worked out in 3 days. we had a cheat day yesterday, but it wasn't as bad as it couldv'e been..we had nachos with whole grain reduced sodium tortilla chips and 2% cheese, a couple of 95 cal beers, and some lindor truffles(i figure if i'm gonna have chocolate, i'm going for the good stuff) i hope it won't affect me too much. i don't think i'm weighing in this week anyway, cause TOM is approaching. i'll just give myself an extra week to lose that water weight and get back into workouts. happy gorundhog day, everyone! have a good day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    I know I haven't been on here much! I think I only posted once last week. It's been crazy around here! I have a whole lot to get done in the coming weeks. We are going to try to set up our home study for adoption on the 21st, so my goal is to have everything organized and cleaned by then! I am going through everything and putting aside stuff for a garage sale this Spring to raise money to adopt.
    I hope you all are doing well! I will try to keep up with the posts this week so I can see how you all are!
    Well, here as promised are some pictures of Alex's bed! We are not 100% done but he was able to sleep in it last night! Also here's a link to a video of him getting to see the bed put together for the first time! I still have to finish the drawers. I need to get us breakfast now. Have a good Monday everyone!





  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Well I haven't kept track of my exercise and food in like 2 1/2 weeks, so today I am starting back up!! I am not going to gain what I lost back. I had a not so good with with food, but I painted a lot and moved stuff around the house, so lucky for me I didn't gain anything this week. How I am not so sure, but that just made me think, what if I would have watched what I ate and exercised more would I have lost weight?? So I am ready to start again. so every make sure I do it!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Well hope everyone has a great week!!!

    PS: our house is finally on the market, although we still have stuff to do to the house!! Please PRAY that it sells.:wink:

  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Mechanimom - I love the bed!! How awesome!!:bigsmile:
  • Good Morning Mommies,

    MM--my daughter was sitting on my lap when I was going through the thread and she started yelling "Thomas bed I want that bed":laugh: You did an awesome job!!

    Jules--Get back to keeping track:wink: I am praying for you that your house sells quickly:flowerforyou:

    musicmom--awesome job on the weight loss 3.5 lbs in one week NICE JOB!!

    Crystal--Great job on the weight loss. Hopefully you will beable to find a tv quickly.

    I tried splitting my head open this morning picking something up off the floor and hit my head on one of the dinning room chairs:blushing: :noway: now I have a slight headache, so glad I got my workout in early this morning. I have an appointment with the counselor in about 2 hours and then when I get home I will be working on laundry and picking up my daughters room, she seems to think the thing to do right now is empty her dresser after mom has gotten it all picked up, so I am going to make her help me this time and then if she does it again she is doing it by herself. Hope you all have a good day:flowerforyou:
  • Hi Everyone!!!!:bigsmile:

  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Happy Monday mommies

    Here's to a week of stressfree workouts, healthy meals and melting flab!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    What are you having for lunch today?? I made Chicken & Black Bean Tortilla soup last night for dinner, so I'll be devouring a bowl of that. Could use some more ideas for later in the week :)

    That soup sounds good. I am horrible about planning meals, I usually make what sounds good when it is time for lunch or supper. Probably not the best thing to do:ohwell:
  • Morning girls!

    Jules - That's a great attitude to have! I know how you feel. I had lost about 6 lbs (I had also caught some kind of bug and it made me lose a little more) but I gained it all back and now I've vowed to lose it again. Ugghh just disappointing when that happens.

    Beth - great job!!! I had a couple beers last night too and hope that doesn't really affect me too much.

    Crystal - I couldn't go without tv. :laugh: great job on the weight loss!

    mechanicmom - What a cute room! My nephew LOVES Thomas.

    loreeb - I ate so bad last night too. It was ridiculous but I couldn't resist. I wish I had made some healthy stuff. My hubby is starting his diet today so he said that yesterday was his one last day of freedom. :grumble: Hopefully it won't affect us too much!

    Hi everyone that I missed!

    I didn't do too bad last night I don't think but I also haven't weighed in yet this morning. I'll come back to post my goals. I still can't believe that I actually worked out 4 days in a row, took saturday off and worked out yesterday. I'm so lazy when it comes to working out and I'm actually impressing myself. :laugh: So hopefully I can keep it up.

    Anyone else doing the shred? I just started level 2 yesterday and I'm pretty sore.
  • Does anyone know of any good sites that have low cal or low fat recipes? I used to be a member of WW and theirs was ok. I know about cooking light but some of their recipes aren't really something my fam would eat. I just want regular meals, nothing fancy. :laugh:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Hi everybody

    Got up early ate my apple and peanut butter did the hoovering then got stuck into 30 day shred at least half were un modified push ups something that a week ago when I started I didnt think I would ever do. Gonna try using my heavier weights to bicep curls tomorrow that just leaves the squats and the side lunges with my light weights which is fine.(heavy ones are 5kg light are 2kg)

    Did some circuit work as my elliptical is still poorly I dont want to use it too much so I did 10 min ellitical sprinting 10 min jump rope and 10 mins running up and down my stair case all this in 2 min intervals of each it is a killer but it means that I only spend 10 mins on elliptical not 30 - I have spoken to the kettler helpline people about it and the part is under warranty and they are sending the spare part to the dealer where I bought it from and they will come and fit it and adjust the jockey wheel so that it doesnt break again.

    Baking a cake at the moment it smells delicious not going to be eating it I am just trying to figure out how much mix I needed to make to fill my new cake pan as I have a 3 tier wedding cake to make for valentines day so next week will be hectic I will have to make sure I get up early to get my workouts in as I'll not have time in the afternoon. Gonna freeze this cake for a later date.

    I was so pleased last week my son got his new goggles for swimming prescription ones and they are expensive so I am helping his teacher escort the class to the swimming pool and I got asked to help and I took a class of 6 kids and I worked them hard I used to help teach swimming when I was 12 and 13 years old when we lived in Grand Cayman (Cayman Islands) I was a bit nervous at first but my son was so pleased that his mum helped I felt useful and it was a great feeling helping again this weeks dont know about taking a class I think the groups are too big and the very poor swimmers are in a huge group I might offer to take half of that group if the other parent helper is there this week. Sorry just wanted to share.

    Tues will be same as today with rest on wed.

    Happy monday everyone.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Does anyone know of any good sites that have low cal or low fat recipes? I used to be a member of WW and theirs was ok. I know about cooking light but some of their recipes aren't really something my fam would eat. I just want regular meals, nothing fancy. :laugh:

    thanks! i'm doing the 30 day shred, too. i've done 13 days so far, and i think it's time for me to move to level 2 cause i haven't been burning as many calories as i used to. i tried it once, and found it really hard, but i guess it'll get easier the more i do it. i just found out about a good site for recipes called it's a really great site. i also posted a recipe for weight watchers parmesan turkey meatloaf on the recipes message board if you want to check that out. we had it last week and it was awesome!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Losingit-I've come to love sandwiches and/or soup for lunch. It maybe cuz they are good and filling or just cuz they are easy to make but that's my lunch almost everyday. Unless we have leftovers from the night before.

    Sara-I was doing the shred but I really don't like it. I don't like the flow and Jillian and the terrible just doesn't work for me. I did do Level 1 for about 15 days and then Level 2 for about 3 and then I quit. I will stick to my Turbo Jam thanks. I ate too much yesterday...I wont say terrible cuz I really did stick to the good stuff but I think I just had way too much. Also I love and I just discovered a new website

    MM-Alex's bed looks awesome. You did such a great job! Hope everything is going well with you. I know the adoption stuff is keeping you super busy. Thanks for checking in and keepin us updated.

    Lori-I bet it was a party at your place last night!!! Personally we wanted the Cardinals to win just cuz they were the underdog but I think we all knew the Steelers would take it.

    Crystal-I hope you get a new tv soon! Now is a great time to buy new tvs. There are SO many sales going on.

    I will have to respond to the rest of you later, daughter is wailing....
    Hope you are all having a good day.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Happy Monday mommies

    Here's to a week of stressfree workouts, healthy meals and melting flab!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    What are you having for lunch today?? I made Chicken & Black Bean Tortilla soup last night for dinner, so I'll be devouring a bowl of that. Could use some more ideas for later in the week :)

    That soup sounds good. I am horrible about planning meals, I usually make what sounds good when it is time for lunch or supper. Probably not the best thing to do:ohwell:

    Recipe is in my blog and the kids like it too!! Literally took about 10 minutes to put it together and it doesnt call for a ton of wierd or expensive ingredients. :) Im hooked on it... its very filling yet low in cals & fat!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Does anyone know of any good sites that have low cal or low fat recipes? I used to be a member of WW and theirs was ok. I know about cooking light but some of their recipes aren't really something my fam would eat. I just want regular meals, nothing fancy. :laugh:

    I love these:


    I love to cook and we are on a pretty strict budget but Ive had pretty good luck with finding things that are inexpensive calorie wise and budget wise

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    taggin' this baby for later-- hi all!!!!!!!!!!!
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