Share your goals, progress and accomplishments!

alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
Hey all. I'm Alicia I'm 33 from Ohio. I started my weight loss journey January 4th of this year after being on strict restrictions for 1.5 years because of some heart problems. On top of the heart problems I also have Crohns. During the time I was on restrictions I gained a lot of weight due to being inactive, not watching what I ate and starting a new medication for my Crohns.

In January of this year my doctor finally cleared me to start walking, in February I had a procedure on my heart that corrected one of the issues and a few weeks later I was completely off all restrictions. Since January 4th I've lost a total of 31.6 pounds. I still have 24 pounds left to lose. I'm 5'3 and my starting weight was 196.2 and I'm currently 164.6.

I'd love to hear other people's goals, progress and accomplishments.

Feel free to add me if you'd like as well..


  • massivej69
    massivej69 Posts: 24 Member
    After reading your ll be an atrocity not to add you...simply inspiring..keep going
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    Wow great job Alicia and David! Keep crushing it.

    As for me, my name is Marvin, I'm 26 from northern Canada. October 2016 I was at my heaviest recorded weight of 211 lbs. Yesterday I weighed in at 187.

    My main reason for making an effort at living a healthier life and getting fit is because I found myself waking up and having aches and pains despite not being active at all. I attribute that to gaining close to 60 pounds since I graduated high school and with diabetes (both type 1 and 2) in my family, it was a cause for concern.

    My goal is to avoid being in a position where daily insulin needles is the norm and to be able to enjoy the things I love to do like cycling and playing basketball well into my 40's, 50's and beyond. I'm feeling the best I have physically in a long time and its just the start.

  • roobella
    roobella Posts: 59 Member
    I've been on and off here for a long time. Currently I'm the heaviest I've ever been out with being pregnant but not far short of it.

    I'm currently 180lbs and aiming to get to 135lbs.

    Can honestly say think I've lost my way/brainwashed by diet programmes like ww or sw
    Trying to retrain my brain to get the balance back

    Good luck everyone. We'll get there