Eating right, exercising, gainin and losing same 4 pounds? H

Hi there! I am very frustrated! So I need to provide a lot of background info on me: I'm 19, 5'2" and I lost about 20 some pounds 2 years ago, fell off the wagon with freshman in college weight and then 2nd semester decided to jump back on. January 2nd 2011 I recommitted to a healthy life style but I actually restricts calories to 1000 and ended up "cheating" a lot because I was mentally so drained from the little calories. AND I didn't lose any weight. I decides in April (yes I was failing for that long to lose weight) to allow myself a teeny bit more wiggle room and I stuck to the net calories deal where I ate back my exercise calories. I lost some weight actually maybe a pound or so. But I still was often under 1000 calories net for the day all the way through the 2nd week of may. Then I began to increase my net to about 1000-1400 NET calories, eatin back exercise calories like a good myfitnesspal-er should(; it is now almost the end of June and I am STILL failing to lose weight. I'll go from 131 to 136 week after week yoyoing between those numbers!!! Have a totally screwe up my metabolism with the intense restriction between Jan and April? I this why my weight is resistant??

Exercise: I mix up what I do, I have a HRM, I exercise 4-5 times a week often burning between 300-700 calories. Mix of strength training and cardio. mix of types of cardio like kickboxing, biking, and running. I'll often run 5 miles a week and bike 13 miles a week, etc.

I feel like I've tries everything. I made my diary public so you guys can take a look. I've tried zigzagging calories, taking rest days which I wasn't too fond of, eliminating processed food, eating mote fruits and veggies, just please help? I wanna know that there's hope of reaching my goal! This is a great myfitnesspal community we have here so thank you in advance and sorry for the long post!


  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    Wish I could help you, but I'm in the same spot fighting 3 pounds over the last couple of weeks. I was losing at a good rate, and now it's just stalled.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Plateaus are just evil. I was on one for 6 weeks. I've only lost 2 lbs in the last 2 months. It's incredibly frustrating and hard to stay motivated and not just throw in the towel. I just kept researching and finding ways to tweak my diet. Then I'd try them out for a week or two and monitor my results. I don't want to jinx it by saying I've broken through it, but I'm currently trying something else that I hope will work. At least I was down to a new number this morning after a few days of it.

    You just have to keep researching, learning about your own body, and figuring out what works for you. Problem is, what works for one person may not work for another.

    My opinion is, if you're stalling, whatever you're doing is no longer working. Your body has adapted. Your body is getting along just fine thankyouverymuch with what you're doing. You have to change it up. But figuring out how to change it is not always easy.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    You're not consistent. Start there. Also just doing cardio only can burn up lean muscle tissue which will LOWER your resting metabolic rate. That means you burn less calories when you don't workout. Add some strength training in there to help retain lean muscle tissue.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm in the same boat.... I was only eating 1200 a day and just losing water since I technically am in the "healthy" BMI range I was told to stay at 1/2 pound a week and put my calories at 1640 a day.....along with eating back exercise I was eating a LOTTTT more!! and I've have been IDK what to do... :-(
  • ranariad
    ranariad Posts: 18 Member
    Ugh I guess I'm not Going through this alone! I wish I just could find a set answer! But I guess that's difficult to do since everyone is different and every body behaves differently :/