how to effectively cut out soda?



  • LaneAndKent
    LaneAndKent Posts: 14 Member
    I'm not the best authority since I haven't successfully done it more than 4-5 months. However, I did want to share what HAS worked for me.

    First, are you drinking your 2 liters of water? That will cut out a lot of soda since you can't be too thirsty when having to guzzle all that water.

    Secondly, I allowed myself to be me...sounds new-agey, but I couldn't quit. My husband drinks Coca-Cola like an addict and watching that is so hard for me. So I bought some Diet Rite (it's made with Splenda, and I steer clear of aspartame. Splenda might not be better but it's a risk I'm willing to take). I didn't like it at first, but poured over ice, it became an acceptable substitute. After a few nights, it was enough to satisfy a hard-core cola lover like me.

    So that's my routine. Drink all my water during the day, and allow myself one Diet Rite every evening. No caffeine to keep me awake, and a nice treat to look forward to. For me, it totally keeps the temptation at bay. At restaurants I am able to order water without feeling deprived knowing I'll come home to my cola before bed.

    I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do. I know giving it up totally is very laudable and a worthy goal. I just decided that for me, it was something I needed to have leniency on.
  • cold turkey is probably the hardest way to quit. i've tried it a few times, only lasting about 2-3 weeks each time. recently, i've s l o w l y weaned myself off sodas and it isn't easy, but it's not impossible.

    i went from having three or four sodas a day to having maybe one or two. the next month, i'd go down to one every three days. then one coke once a week. then i'd become a sip stealer and steal sips from my husband's drinks :) now, i hardly want it. i'll have a clear one (sprite, sierra mist, etc) every now and then, but it's very rare.

    plus, i always think of how i'd have to log it onto MFP and think of better things i could eat with 140 cals ;)
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    My husband gave it up and he was a freak about soda. he would drink it with breakfast. He wanted to give it up so I stopped buying it. Now he drinks these all natural energy drinks by nestle. They are called Nestles Jamba. They have a lot of sugars because its made with fruit juice, but there is no added sugar, its just natural. They are pretty good. Its hard to do, but if you really want to do it, you just have to stick to it. Kind of like losing weight.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I stopped drinking it Jan 1st. I went from drinking a 2 liter of Mt Dew a day to NOTHING. You just have to stop. Be warned, you will get headaches and shakes because it is a withdrawal just like a drug would be. Don't buy it. Drink lotsa water.

    Also if you are craving just the bubbly sweetness, most grocery stores sell flavored tonic waters. I love the strawberry kind.

    Take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be soda free!

    If cutting it out totally is a no go, try buying 1 soda and taking small sips to push the withdrawal headaches away. Try to make it last the entire day or longer
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I was a 1 soda a day soda hard core addict. Heres what I did: I got mad when the scale didn't move as fast as I wanted. I did everything right except the soda. I thought about how hard I was working in the gym then thought about what I was doing - I was drinking some of my daily calories. Basically, I was undoing some of my hard work just for a soda. I thought about it for a while longer, then finally decided to try giving it up for one week. I lost 3# that week. I started to feel even better me weight loss happened faster and I realized that by not drinking my cals I was optimizing my workouts.

    I haven't had a regular pop in about.3 months. Some days I miss it, but I don't miss those extra cals and sugar. Good luck - it can be done!
  • sparrows7
    sparrows7 Posts: 59
    I have been in the same cycle as well. But then I started really concentrating on how the diet soda made me feel every time I drank it. Bloated, gassy, puffy. I even took a pic a month ago and I looked nearly pregnant! I had a pic this week taken and while I was not happy with my weight, I did not at all look pregnant from the bloat. Maybe try a bit of ice tea without the sugar if you need a cold drink with caffeine.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Way (WAY) back in college, I worked at a Coca-Cola bottling plant, and one of the perks was two cases of 6-packs a week. Yeah: that's 48 12-oz cans EVERY WEEK. It wasn't hard to get hooked on the stuff, and I absolutely did -- and on the real thing, not diet. I drank liters (plural) of it every day for years and years ... which explains a lot about why I've still a long way to go to reach my goals. (But don't worry: I'm SO gonna get there.) :)

    I halfheartedly quit drinking coke once or twice, I think, and finally kicked the habit for good about three years ago. I moved on to Diet Green Tea with Citrus for a year or so, thinking it was better -- and it was, calories-wise. But it still has caffeine and those nasty "bad sugars" that made me hungry (or so I believe) and did nothing for me nutritionally. Now all I drink is water and occasionally, a glass of tea.

    Once I got past the no-caffeine headaches (ibuprofen made that relatively easy), it was all about having something to drink within arm's reach. I now keep about 20 plastic bottles, ranging from 16.9 oz. to 1 liter, full of filtered tap water in my fridge all the time, so it's incredibly easy to go grab a bottle of ice cold water. I occasionally do the Crystal Light thing just for something different, but usually, it's just water.

    All of this is simply to say that you might think about whether you're addicted to drinking SODA -- or whether part of the issue is that you're just in the habit of reaching for something to drink. If the latter plays into it -- well, that's an easy fix, and you can start making a change there like, today.

    I agree with others here to a great extent: a whole lot of it is in your head (as it was mine). Once I got my head around the fact that I could choose to drink pop or not, it became a bit easier to take control. I love a good challenge, and I won that one.

    One last thing: I had an opportunity to taste Coke not long ago and boy -- it was nasty. WAY too sweet. I was glad I did it, as it confirmed for me that that habit is long gone.

    So hang in there -- you can do it. A few months from now, it'll be hard to believe you were ever hooked -- I swear. :)
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    gah i hate soda havent drank it since i was a teenager.

    if you worship it then switch to diet coke then ween off diet coke and stop.

    i loved diet coke and just dont like that **** anymore lol
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I cut it cold turkey in March. But if that's not working, try cutting down. Depending on what you're drinking daily, try cutting that in half for a week. Then the next week, half of that. Until you're done. Good luck!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Just do it, girl. You can handle it. Water with lime or lemon if you need flavor. Once you get past the first 4-5 days, you'll be fine. Just don't keep it around the house.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Everytime you want a soda cut off a finger. Eventually you'll stop if you want to keep your fingers.
  • hotcheeto2005
    hotcheeto2005 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't buy soda at all. If I have a craving for a carbonated beverage I buy Arrowhead Sparkling Water. It has the same bubbly sensation of soda, great flavors (comes in lemon, lime, and raspberry), and its ZERO calories. And its just as healthy and hydrating as regular water. So start to switch over to sparkling water and you will be off soda in no time :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'd first think of what it is you miss about it. If you were drinking cola, you might miss the caffeine. If so, try iced coffee or tea. If it the carbination, try carbinated water with a little fruit/fruit juice for taste.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Everytime you want a soda cut off a finger. Eventually you'll stop if you want to keep your fingers.

    And even if the cravings continue, it's going to be a LOT harder to get the soda opened!
  • rowbseat13
    rowbseat13 Posts: 147 Member
    It's really hard, isn't it? I tried to quit several times in the past, and I could never manage to do it long-term. In 2011, I said my New Year's Resolution was no more soda... The first 2 months were a killer, the next 2 weren't great either, and now I still get a craving every now and then... But it's July 25, and I haven't had a soda since December 29, 2010. You CAN do it. I know it's hard. I drank a LOT of coffee the first few months. Then a lot of sweet tea... Not I barely drink anything but water. There's no magical way to get through it, but I swear, once you make it through the first few weeks, it gets a lot easier.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    get an adenoidectomy (especially if it's unnecessary). the carbonation will then force soda bubbles up and even out of your nose whenver you take a drink.
    it's been pretty effective with me anyway...
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Everytime you want a soda cut off a finger. Eventually you'll stop if you want to keep your fingers.

    probably the best and worst idea ever.
  • jennyj09
    jennyj09 Posts: 80
    I agree with alot of other people on here, just don't buy it!
    We never have soda's at our house, people think I'm wierd for it...haha
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I say drink it warm, and then see how much you still enjoy it.
  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    i started to buy sparkling water in a can, and it totally helped. i think a big part of it was cracking open an ice cold can of diet coke, and opening up a can of water has a very similar effect.