Hoping for success

Hi I'm new to my fitness pal...really hoping this is my final attempt to lose weight successfully.


  • CynoO
    CynoO Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome I wish you all the best enjoy meeting new people and stay active not only in life but on this board as well
  • RightTrackBaby
    RightTrackBaby Posts: 35 Member
    It helps to build a network of support, both on and offline. There's tons of encouragement here. Best of luck!
  • melinajames
    melinajames Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome aboard!
    You can do it this time! Good luck ~
  • hardman63
    hardman63 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my final weight loss journey!! I have more than I can count and gained and lost thousand of pounds!! But something clicked this time and I said its now or never. I started Jan 5th at 288.8 and currently 236.6 so lost a little over 50 pounds. Right now my goal is to be 185 and then I will go from there. It was first to get to ONEderland but I decided I needed it to be a little less. Lol
    Would move to have a friend/buddy to keep motivated etc.

    Hope yo hear from you.