221lb... help me keep on track

My plan is to eat small portions and low carb. Walk at least 30min every day. I was 160lb 4 years ago and can't believe I am at this stage now.

I'll post my progress every day.


  • catherj
    catherj Posts: 17 Member
    Just about where you are. My 4th day back logging. Going to try to stick to recommended calories which will naturally lower my carb count and portion size. 5'2" age 57
  • kHanson95
    kHanson95 Posts: 17 Member
    I am stuck at 195 pounds, but was 160 before my pregnancy and managed to get up to 220... :/

    I could use motivation, too. My goal is to walk/exercise at least 30 minutes everyday, and I'd really like to get back to 160, if not less.
  • lulu_carr
    lulu_carr Posts: 16 Member
    Hi @catherj and @kHanson95 add me if you like. Let's support each other and help each other stay on track.
  • lulu_carr
    lulu_carr Posts: 16 Member
    My plan is to do the 30min walking first thing in the morning so I don't have to worry about not getting it done.

    Today is a good day. I went for a walk in the morning for 30min.. it was a fast walk.... but I don't think it would be considered a jog. Also went for walk during lunch and reached 10,000 step goal.

    Had healthy breakfast and lunch, but had a milk bubble tea in the afternoon (peer pressure at work
  • kHanson95
    kHanson95 Posts: 17 Member
    I just started trying to get healthy again, so I haven't really picked up on the exercising too much, but I like to go around noon. If I am feeling it before noon, that's even better, but my son has got to be easy and it can't be raining out (in live on the coast of Oregon, so... lots of rain here). But yes, 30 minutes is a great minimum. I try for 45 whenever I can, but I hope to push through to an hour and do that on a regular basis.