I had a cookie...



  • lissarv68
    lissarv68 Posts: 61
    I have a Starbucks Frap every single day but I work it into my calories for that day. I see nothing wrong with allowing yourself treats in your day. Make them small and worth it! For me, that 200 calorie drink is worth it because it makes me happy lol.

    If the cookie is worth it? Then eat it and don't beat yourself up over it.

    By the way, your post is an example of why I don't believe in denying myself the things I love to eat. Just smaller amounts. Do I really need to eat all that when just a taste of it to satisfy the craving will do the trick? I'm learning to just eat a bite or two of the fattening stuff and then push it away and go back to the good for me stuff.

    Denying myself = me wanting it even more = me binging on that thing I denied myself. Not a good equation for continued weight loss (for me anyways).
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    you guys are awesome!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    As long as you know you're not alone. most of us, if not all have done it. all it means is, an extra 10 minutes or so of exercise. or, if you have seen the yogurt commerical where the lady is mean to the cakes, do that with cookies lol. its hard when you first start out, but there are things like weight watcher items. i got the ice cream bars. dont be down and beat yourself up. slips happen, espically early on
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    One cookie won't kill you. I've caved and still lost 15 pounds to date! So, there ya have it.
  • agarris4
    agarris4 Posts: 23
    Learn to reward yourself! A 160 cal cookie is better than a 200 or 300! I reward myself every once in a while, I just don't over indulge like I used to. Keep your head up! You can do it!
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    You stopped at one cookie? Good for you! Last week I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies. 2 before my workout and 2 after.... No biggie! Don't stress yourself out over it. Just keeping moving forward.

    I was thinking this exactly!!! (well except for the 4 chocolate chip cookies part...;-) for me it was a lovely piece of dark chocolate.... it was entirely worth the calories!!!)

    The only way this will work long term for you, for any of us, is if it is a lifestyle NOT a diet... you have a life to live, which includes food... maybe if you suggested that some of the cookie they put out were more figure friendly??? I am sure some of your prospective tenants are watching what they eat too! Find a food that IS worth those calories and ENJOY it, log it, and move on!

    As has been said... It is just A cookie!!!! Not a box, not a whole sleeve.... now it wasn't one of those gargantuan cookies from the mall right???? ;-) that would be a different story! lol

    With Friendship and Warmth from Missouri!

  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    ^^ What they said!! I leave room in my calories for a chewy caramel thingee (called a "cowtale") all the time. And hey, I have 2 kids that like to go out for ice cream. We gotta live IN the world, not just next door to it with the door locked. :tongue:
  • sparadise
    sparadise Posts: 26 Member
    I can relate. I had an apple fritter, made from the cider mill down the street. I am a little bummed because it alone took up nearly an entire meal in calories and not to mention the sugar and fat! Still trying to find out how I can squeeze a long enough work out in today to make up for it! EEEK!
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    lol its ok! At least you stopped at one. yesterday I had 4 Golden Double Stuffed Oreos.... they were DELICIOIUS but 300 calories total :( i could've eaten another meal! *sigh* oh well, today is a new day :glasses:
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I've found that any diet that tells me I cannot ever have a cookie (substitute whatever other tempting goodie you want) on occasion is probably going to lead to burn-out, and I'm probably not going to stick to it long term. Allow yourself some "cheats" every now and then. Maybe do a bit more exercise today to make up for it. But don't beat yourself up!
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    You guys really have made me feel a little less "FML"!
    Thank you!
    I'll just add an extra 10 minutes to my cardio tonight!

    Also, now I feel a little silly. I've still got like 600 calories left for late afternoon snack and dinner (& this is before work out calories deducted)
  • betterthan20
    My gosh stop beating your self up. So what you slipped. Now is the time to set out what you will do the next time that you are tempted. Have fruit, vegys or any number of other healthy choices right there at your finger tips. If we never slip and fall how will we know that we really want it.
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    I am a nutrition manager for a senior center and we get day old goodies from starbucks everyday! I'd like to say I never slip, but it wouldn't be true.......Hence my "quick calories" upon occasion. Just make sure you log it. I try to keep some kind of yummy 90 cal. bar in my desk to eat.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I hope you enjoyed that cookie! One cookie is good for your overall well-being IMHO. That's the thing, life is too short to regret a cookie.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    OK....and tomorrow you won't!!! Hang in there and don't beat yourself up. I was good all week, but ate out this weekend (but stayed under my calories) and lost 3 lbs. Point of the story, be good most times and you can give in sometimes. :flowerforyou:
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Kudos to you for sticking to just one! I had 10 Pillsbury refrigerated chocolate chip cookies last night (2 raw and 8 baked) last night and I gotta say that they weren't worth the 800+ calories I ingested - not even close! But......I woke up this morning and vowed to do better today - and so far I have! Don't let the cookie get you down ~ you've got to allow yourself a little indulgence every once in a while or you'll drive yourself nuts.
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Yesterday I went to East Side Marios, and my sister and I totally shared their chocolate lava cake thing. . couldn't resist, and I loved every bite. . Just start fresh again tomorrow!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I just had a cookie too, let's start a club. It was that light little grocer store bakery sugar cookie with pink fluffy icing and sprinkles. 180 calories or so in mine and s**t happens, I will either eat a bit less dinner or do an extra 20 minutes on the bike, or make it back tomorrow. Any diet that does not let you eat the occasional cookie is bunk in my opinion.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    As of today, I am 101 pounds down since November 8, 2010. I would not be where I am if I didn't have eat a cookie here or there. Actually, I eat a dessert every night, but I "fit" it into my day. So far, I don't have the days where I eat a package of cookies, because I have one or two when I want them. That has been THE thing that has made ME successful this time. I have exercised, cut calories, and restricted myself into losing the same 50 pounds two or three times over (each time putting on additional pounds). This time around, I still count calories and exercise, but when I want something I have it (my diary is open, and I log it all). This approach won't work for everyone, you just have to know yourself. If having one cookie leads to having the package, maybe a little restriction is best. When I cut things out, I tended to eat a lot of things trying to compensate, and still eventually ate that thing I was craving. Whether or not you eat a cookie or the whole package, the WORST possible thing you can do is beat yourself up about it.
  • TinaWil6
    TinaWil6 Posts: 5
    So, take a brisk walk around the complex. Then you can say, "I feel good. I had a cookie; it was yummy. And, I got away from my desk and took a walk, which also made me feel good." Way too much stress over a cookie.