10 pounds lost in July Group

Good Morning All!!

It's time to start this off right. I aim to lose a minimum of 10 pounds in the month of July. I am coming to the end of my weight lose journey, so it has been harder and harder to lose big amounts. I intend to make it to the gym at least 3 times per week and to hit my calorie intake goal each day. Any motivation/tips you can add would be greatly appreciated.
I am including my start weight and we can all do so and then do a weekly weigh in on Mondays.

Start weight as of July 4th: 140.0
Goal is obviously 130 :smile:

Happy Independence Day!!!

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott


  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I was 180.0 on July 1st. On July 3rd, I was 178.6. The goal is to see 169.8 or lower on August 1st!
  • Artistmom
    Artistmom Posts: 8
    Sounds good! I would love to check in -- I gained back weight that I lost last year - lost control over vacation and never regained control. My goal is 168 by August 15. That is 12 pounds.

    Starting weight: 180
    Goal by August 15: 168

    Exercise goal: 5 days a week - cardio, yoga and weight lifting

    Can we share some meal ideas?
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I am in!:bigsmile:

    July 1 weight: 160
    Goal: 150

    I am a slow loser so I will have to get radical....anything close to 150 would be victorious! I have been at this a while and the last 10 are so dang hard to lose! Thanks for the challenge!:flowerforyou:
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in.... SW 254. Goal 244
  • ShayA95
    ShayA95 Posts: 5
    I'm 83 Kgs right now, do you think i can become 75 KGs by August??
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I'd really like to join this challenge! I need to re-gain control. I had lost 6 pounds, went on vacation and came back sick and ended up giving up. I gained it all back. GRRR!

    I know today is already July 5, but I'd like to join in if that's ok!

    Starting weight: 241.5

    I will walk for at least 30 minutes before work, 5 days per week and go to my 1 hour cardio classes 3 nights per week.

    Thank you!
  • trp1978
    trp1978 Posts: 20
    I'm just starting out with MFP and would love to join this challenge.

    SW-July 5th: 169
    GW-Aug. 1: 159
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    I too am finding the last 10 lb very hard to lose! I will walk/run 3 miles per day & zumba class once/week, and try very hard to stay within my suggested calories.

    SW-July 5: 136
    GW-Aug 1: 126

    Thanks for posting this - maybe it will be the extra motivation I need!
  • trp1978
    trp1978 Posts: 20
    Are we supposed to log our updates today since the 1st was a week ago or are we logging on Sunday or Monday instead? Well, anyway:

    SW (7/5/11): 169
    CW (7/8/11): 168
  • mrslantu2020
    mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
    Are we supposed to log our updates today since the 1st was a week ago or are we logging on Sunday or Monday instead? Well, anyway:

    SW (7/5/11): 169
    CW (7/8/11): 168

    Logging progress on Mondays. And, if you have any words of inspiration/motivation you can add those at anytime!!

    Oh, and I saw one request for recipes...so, I am a sandwich and salad type gal, but if cooking I LOVE the salsa chicken and rice recipe I found on MFP. It is DELICIOUS!! And I also love making steamed broccoli with grilled chicken breast. If anyone wants the salsa chicken recipe, just let me know!! Hope everyone is doing well on this venture!!! Positive thinking will overcome all!!
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    We can all do this...... I look forward to my weigh in on Monday. I have been doing excellent....

    If you wouldn't mind sharing the Chicken Salsa receipe with me I would greatly appreciate it...
  • mrslantu2020
    mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
    well...it is monday and I am sad to say I did not lose any weight since last week!! but, I didn't lose so I suppose that is okay. I am thinking I may not be able to accomplish this goal...sigh...gotta stay positive though!!
  • Artistmom
    Artistmom Posts: 8
    Hello All,
    It's Tuesday, and I forgot to check in yesterday. I lost 2 pounds so far. It would have been more but.....

    we went out to dinner Saturday night; I had a pretty legal meal (seafood) but the cosmo and the corona didn't help!

    I went to a friend's house yesterday and ate bread with my turkey, and had a scone! Those things I could have passed up, but didn't. I need to focus more on my goal rather than live in the moment. It seems the more sugar I eat, the more I crave it. Gotta stop that NOW!!
    I'm going to try a low carb ice cream recipe today or tomorrow. Maybe that will curb my sweet tooth. Low carbs really works when I stick with the program.

    What are you all doing? did you lose anything, and how?

    SW - 180
    GW - 170
    CW - 178
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All!
    Lost 2 this past week.. TOM is here for a visit and despite the amount of water I'm drinking, I'm still hanging on to it.. Hopefully I'll see a difference next week.

    I hope everyone had a good week!

  • Artistmom
    Artistmom Posts: 8
    Good job! My guess is that if you stay true to your diet through this tough week, you will be rewarded big time next week!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I'm sorry, I didn't post yesterday!

    7/11 - 178.2
  • mrslantu2020
    mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
    It's Monday again!!!
    I did lose FINALLY!! I had actually gone up to about 142 or 143...now, this AM I was down to 139.4. Woo hoo!! Still thinking I won't make it to 130, but I girl can still dream :)
  • mrslantu2020
    mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
    Oh, Monday...how I love thee!
    Weighed in at 138.2, so unless there is a miracle, won't hit my 130 goal by August 1st. BUT, still very pumped to be in the 130's, so I'm not beating myself up about it!
    Have a great day everyone!!