diabetic inflammation

ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone that is diabetic had a "cheat day" where you overindulged on carbs and had a lot of inflammation the next few days?


  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    Do you mean swelling of feet, legs, etc? Yes, I've done that. I just had to get back on track. I test my blood sugar 4 times a day, try to eat at the same time, watch everything I put in my body. You have to be cautious of sodium and fat too, make sure you are getting enough protein without pushing cholesterol too high as well. I felt so guilty about cheating and then I felt awful because of what I had put in my body... It helps me to not do it again when I think about that.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    really I just ache everywhere, I have been doing pretty good then last friday had a free for all, oddly my sugar didn't spike too bad and I went to bed in a normal range. Saturday I woke up achy, my skin felt sunburned on my arm (no sun exposure) and my hands ache. Today I pulled a muscle in my shoulder stretching. Not sure what's up but I was curious if anyone else had similar issues.
  • cmshaffer
    cmshaffer Posts: 2
    Diabetes is a rollercoaster of trying to balance food and exercise, especially when you're taking diabetic meds. I took diabetic medicine for 5 years and exercised lightly and watched what I ate carefully, so I balanced okay. I lost about 10 pounds a year for three years running. Then started walking at a faster pace 4 to 5 days a week, 30-45 minutes each day, and lost 8 pounds over the course of a month...and that was it, I finally no longer need to take the diabetic meds. I still test my blood sugar throughout the day, but I'm balancing fine. Hope my story inspires you.
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