Nasolabial folds and weight loss

For others who have lost a significant amount of weight, have you noticed that your Nasolabial folds are deeper, thus making you look older? I was looking at pictures of myself at 115 pounds (from my highest at 200) and I'm looking pretty haggard in the face for a 26 year old. I've gained 5 pounds and I've noticed the folds have filled in a bit and I look a lot better. My ultimate goal was to get down to 110 pounds (I'm 5' tall), but I think my face will look even worse. Any opinions on what I should do?

115 lbs.


  • Gojira74
    Gojira74 Posts: 57 Member
    If your goal is superficial, then you should stop at the weight that is most pleasing to your eye. If your goal is athletic or health based, then you should obtain the weight that maximizes those. A good question to ask is: why did you choose that weight? If it was arbitrary, then you don't have much of a dilemma. If it is a medical recommendation then you must refer to what I said above.

    Good luck :)
  • ccchapman
    ccchapman Posts: 5
    I've experienced the same thing. When I talked to my weight loss Dr., he said to give the skin a year to catch up to the weight loss.

    PS I'm down 66lbs since Jan.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    I lost the weight early on for health reasons and most recently to become more athletic. I gain muscle easily, can run for almost two hours straight, and have biceps that scare some of my male co-workers. I'm healthy, which is most important, but losing 80 pounds has done a real number on my body. I have loose skin on my stomach, thighs, a saggy bottom, all at the tender age of 26. I sometimes feel that my face, which everyone can see, should look the best, since I won't be flashing my abs around people. I feel just as strong and energetic at 120 lbs as 115 lbs, so I think this is a better weight for me and my superficial side.