T25 success?

I'm doing T25. I finished alpha but the last week I totally skipped I was just over it. I moved on to beta which I like much more! I lost 4 pounds? From alpha round. I also noticed that even though the weight loss wasn't much and with photo comparisons I don't see a difference in my body the workouts got easier for me to get through. I also wasn't counting calories. Now that I started beta I'm counting calories and going for a run each day. Some days I sneak in an extra ten minute workout from the beach body dvds. Just wondering who else has done the program and what kind of results they saw.


  • misscola
    misscola Posts: 40 Member
    edited May 2017
    i'm on my 3rd week w alpha rounds, lost about 4lbs w some dieting during week 1.

    gonna throw in some dieting this week and next too, hope to see some visible results.

    (i lost ard 20lbs last year w t25 + dieting, but gained it all back over 9mths :( gonna restart again)
  • fabulousmomofone
    fabulousmomofone Posts: 51 Member
    Do you log T25 under aerobics or something else
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I saw the most results on beta.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I finished t25 and lost about 10 lbs and lots of inches all over my body.
    I got bored at the end though.... Could barely wait to finish it.
    Now I'm doing Insanity Max 30 and love it !
  • annmee6549
    annmee6549 Posts: 2 Member
    I am finishing alpha this week after 2 rounds of insanity max 30. Did most of your results start to show after alpha or beta? I lost some weight but I'm looking to drop more.