Help me to help my daughter



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I hope an outcome of the doctors appointment will look into allergies and intolerances in relation to the ibs particularly. Histamine intolerance has been known to underpin ibs and other health problems. There are several sites which help with histamine issues. One is healinghistamine, Food matters has information on histamine intolerance as well as many other issues.

    If you can get to the bottom of her ibs I'm sure she will start to fill out.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member

    She feels very unhappy with her size and very much wants to gain weight. Those are not assumptions. I think she is crazy beautiful but I worry about her being underweight and about me being too much of a noodge trying to get her to eat more. She said that people at school have said things about her being "wow so skinny!", not knowing that it is hurtful to her. :( She was honestly surprised when I told her that many of them probably wish they could look a bit more like her and that to them it was probably more like a compliment. Ugh. It's just not safe to say anything about anybody's weight!

    What are y'all's favorite fat bomb recipes? A lot that I have seen do not have sugar in them. We are totes fine with sugar, and I'm sure she'll be more likely to eat them if they are sweet as well as fat.

    Appreciate all of the replies!

    I had a lot of friends in high school (and a sister) who would gawk at how skinny and weak I was. They called a twig, a 'skinny minny', a stick, you name it. Of course, it was all meant jokingly. There was no foul intention. They even thought it was a compliment. But it still hurt. I felt like a skeleton some days. I'm happy with my size now and prefer myself a bit on the thinner side. Making sure I eat enough and weight lifting really helped. I hope the flavoured PB works for your daughter and she hits her calorie goals so she can start lifting too! It really imposes a strong and confident feeling even after just a few days in!
  • lilolilo920
    lilolilo920 Posts: 184 Member
    Yea, we do protein bars. Will definitely add granola to the breakfast pile. She loves Cracklin' Oat Bran, which is pretty dense, but I will check into it as well as the flavored PB. Nutella is hazlenut which she can't have.

    Also going to pick up some Fairlife whole milk today for a few more gs of protein. Ugh.. Is it lower cal? :s

    I don't think that her lack of sweet tooth is a problem to get over, it's just not helping me fill her up with calories and foods that seem to cause many people to have cravings and want to eat more.

    Aaah duh, my bad! That's totally my fault. What about dipping sauces and the like-pretzels and hummus or anything with ranch can be very calorific. Muffins maybe? Stir fry w oil? Both could be tinkered with to increase calories. Also-I've found corn to be a low volume higher cal veggie!!