Weight loss --> hormonal changes...?

Hello fellow MFPers! First post, be gentle! :)

So some background: I lost my first 15 pounds in the first 2.5 months I started my diet, and have been plateauing since June. Recently I've noticed my moods swing rapidly, I'm very sensitive, and (close your ears, gentlemen) I missed a period. My beau lives across the country so I can't attribute this to pregnancy. I'm thinking I might be experiencing a huge hormonal shift.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Or better yet, knows WHY it happens? I've Googled and found very little. I feel like I'm going crazy! :(


  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    How much are you eating and how much are you exercising? If it's an insane amount it could be ammenorhia
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    well it could shift a lot depending on what youre eating. lots of people have seasonal hormonal shifts as well. I reccomend calling your doctor especially since you are having missed periods.
  • missolesky
    missolesky Posts: 40
    You know what this is happening to me too, minus the missed period, I thought it was just me!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Best idea would be to go to your doctor and have your hormones tested. It could be a bunch of things. I started having hormonal problems at age 12, when I was put on bc, and became peri-menopausal at 27. A lot of that sounds familiar but before you stress out about it and make it worse get looked at by a doctor, It may not even be hormone related.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    How much are you eating and how much are you exercising? If it's an insane amount it could be ammenorhia

    ^^ This.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I just had a hysterectomy last Tues. always had a period as regular as can be. but, I had some that were late, like a week. it always was from stressful times. just thought I'd share.
  • Weird. I've had the exact opposite happen. I've not had a period naturally in about 8 years and about two or three weeks ago started getting the symptoms and bam! There you go! :D

    Could be a temporary hiccup with a change in diet/lifestyle. I wouldn't start to *really* worry until you hit month two or three without it. A woman can manage quite easily on 3 - 4 periods a year without too many problems. However, if this becomes a regular occurrence, it's better to get checked out by your Dr so (s)he can figure out why it's not happening.
  • jocemorg
    jocemorg Posts: 26 Member
    How much are you eating and how much are you exercising? If it's an insane amount it could be ammenorhia

    I've been keeping my calories to 1200-1400 per day. I do exercise about 4 days per week for about an hour, usually just the elliptical but I started incorporating strength training moreso recently. I don't think its anything too radical.