7 days down

I have been using this site for 7 days now and figured it was about time I introduce myself!

I'm Natalie and I am looking to lose 50lbs. I have tried to do this off and on since graduating high school but allowed one thing or another to get me off track. This time feels so much more different. I actually took the dreadful before pictures in the mirror in my sports bra and panties. I look forward to when I can post them along with the after pictures in the success part of the message boards. I feel like I am pretty realistic this time with my goal as well. Instead of hoping to be down 50lbs in say 5 months I realize it could be next summer or maybe even fall before that happens.

I am in my twenties and single so of course the opposite sex plays a factor into why I want to lose weight but I also want to do it for my own health and my self esteem. I hate the fact I have been on about 7 trips in the past 18 months and there are no pictures of me because I prefer to be behind the camera. I look forward to the journey I am embarking on and cannot wait to flash my before picture to anyone who will listen to me when I lose the 50lbs I am looking to get rid of. :)

Please feel free to add me on here :)


  • Hswindells28
    Hswindells28 Posts: 13 Member
    sending you lots of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • vickylee26
    vickylee26 Posts: 35 Member
    well good luck on your journey you've made a great start by joining
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Good luck! Sounds like you really have a good paradigm starting off. :)
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome and good luck! This site & app is great. Being able to eat what I want, just appropriate amounts thanks to this site, keeps it from feeling like a diet. And by not feeling like I'm depriving myself of anything, makes it so easy to stick to it. Entering my foods before I eat it is a huge help just because I know before I eat if I'm screwing up & then I have the chance to change before it's too late.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Welcome to MFP! This site is full of inspirational and motivating people. Feel free to add me!