Time of the month question - help please!

Okay ladies -
I know our periods tend to affect what we weigh, but when?

Does weight go up right before your period and then drop as soon as it starts, or does weight go up right as your period actually starts and not go down again til it's over?

(To make it very complicated I have a totally messed up cycle -
Several days of spotting before my actual period


  • lolothedragon
    lolothedragon Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone is different. I go up about 5 lbs right before and during my period, then towards the end/right after it goes back to normal. It just depends on your body. I usually don't even weigh myself around my period, because it's not an accurate number. I would just keep up with calorie counting and weigh yourself a few days after aunt flow leaves.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think there's some variability. Mine went up right before it started (2-4Lbs) and stayed up until the bleed was over, then I'd have a "woosh" day where all that water weight went, and I'd be about a pound lighter than I had been before the PMS scale increase. So for me, each "period" I was still losing weight, I just couldn't see it until after the period was over.
  • CaladriaNapea
    CaladriaNapea Posts: 140 Member
    For me my weight tends to go up by one to three pounds the day my period starts (usually I have a "huh?" moment in the morning, as I too am highly irregular). My weight stays up until Aunt Flo has just about run her course--usually I will go back to normal the day before my period is completely done, at which point I will usually lose a pound below what I was previously. I like to weigh each day regardless, just like normal. It's all about the trend weight, baby, and I like watching that line as it keeps going down, even as the numbers go up.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Well before I was on the pill I would go up in weight a day or 2 before and then after a few days during it would drop. I had terribly heavy cycles and the "light" feeling of the water weight dropping was always a sign the end was near and relief would come :D On the pill my cycles are lighter but I go up a freaking week before and stay up the week during. I'm not complaining though...I needed the help :)
  • bytheplanets
    bytheplanets Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you guys!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    This is where using an app such as Trendweight or HappyScale can come in really handy. You can see those increases when they happen, you know if your diet is on point that it's not from overeating. If it turns out that you're someone who's weight goes up in the days leading to your period, you may even be able to use it as a way of predicting when it's going to hit.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    No discernible pattern here.