I am new!

My name is Jen and here I am, posting my first message. I created my account a while back, but am now just spending time to look at it. I have 33 days until I go on my vacation to Mexico and want to lose some poundage. I weigh 187 and would like to be less!! I have a really hard time logging my food. I have no problem with exercise, but the food thing is my big problem. I eat enough calories to compensate for all the exercise I do, and still gain weight even! Thanks all to who read this!


  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    You can do this. Just believe in yourself.
    My startinge weight 350
    Current weight 220
    Goal weight 150
    I see it everyday that this site is working. But you have to dedicated to it and honest in what you are eating. I wish you well.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Jen!
    Congratulations on joining MFP!! Exercise is so important for your health and necessary when trying to lose weight. If you work to log your food, I think you will have positive results. Until I began loging, I was totally unaware of the calories in foods I eat, and as a result, I ate too much. If you log every day for a month, you will become very aware of what you are eating, and you can make small changes that will have a great impact on your total calories. This really helped me :happy:

    Good luck!!
  • joanpeters

    Logging the food has been a big help to me because it makes it a LOT easier to see how fast the calories get used up and what is calorie-laden versus low calorie. I lost 25 lbs on South Beach two years ago, gained 8 lbs back over the winter. When I went back on SB and felt like I was following the plan, I didn't lose. I realize now it was because I was eating larger portions and the wrong kind of things. It is SOOOOO easy to fool ourselves. Good luck.
  • Boo67
    Boo67 Posts: 43 Member
    You CAN do it , logging food is easy even I can do it & I'm a proper technophobe. Have you got the mobile app? It's great for when you're out & about, work etc...:smile: