Weight loss per week goal advice



  • MayaKombat
    MayaKombat Posts: 11 Member
    NicoleKhb wrote: »
    MayaKombat wrote: »
    Hi all

    I currently weigh 298 pounds. I have set my weight loss at 2lb a week and my daily calories is set to 1560 a day.
    I wanted to know if everyone thought that number is okay or whether I should set my weight loss to 1.5lbs a week or even 1lb.
    I only ask because I have so much to lose, and considering I should never go below 1200 it seems I won't have much more movement calorie wise for the rest of my journey..if you see what I mean?

    I don't think I've explained myself very well...

    Hi, I am new to this and had similar thoughts, but as you go along week by week, you'll workout what best suits your needs. For example: i don't log my exercise, and aim to eat within my daily calorie and have been losing 2lbs a week....you can eat anything you like as long as you don't go over. As time goes by and you get used to it, you can get tougher with your diet and keep losing weight. Good luck hun

    Thank you very much. I wish you success on your journey also :-)
  • MayaKombat
    MayaKombat Posts: 11 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Note that as @kommodevaran mentioned, your weight changes will not be linear!

    There are some very nice trending weight apps (libra for android, happy scale for iphone, weightgrapher.com as a web site, trendweight.com which I personally use--it works better with Fitbit and I see you're using a Polar...)

    These apps and sites help you better see the changes to your underlying fat level as opposed to getting stuck on day to day water weight fluctuations.

    Congratulations on a great start and on starting to question your food choices with an eye towards finding winning combinations of satiety, satisfaction, and caloric cost!

    That is exactly what I meant about a journey of discovery and change.

    You will do good!

    Omg everyone here is so lovely and encouraging lol. Thank you so much :-)
  • nihalkhann007
    nihalkhann007 Posts: 6 Member
    A healthy rate of weight loss is 1-1.5 percent of body weight per week. As per your weight mentioned if I calculate it comes to 4.5 lb loss per month which is 1lb approximately per week which is a steady and good pace of weight loss.

    Anything faster than this would be unfeasible. However the rate may slow down over time for which I suggest you increase your activity. If your workout schedule is 3 days a week try bringing it to 4 or 5 days and if possible 6. If your work life is hectic you could also try 3 days of weight training and 2-3 days of light to moderate cardio.

    Nihal khan
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    A healthy rate of weight loss is 1-1.5 percent of body weight per week. As per your weight mentioned if I calculate it comes to 4.5 lb loss per month which is 1lb approximately per week which is a steady and good pace of weight loss.

    Anything faster than this would be unfeasible. However the rate may slow down over time for which I suggest you increase your activity. If your workout schedule is 3 days a week try bringing it to 4 or 5 days and if possible 6. If your work life is hectic you could also try 3 days of weight training and 2-3 days of light to moderate cardio.

    Nihal khan

    At her weight, she can safely lose 2 pounds a week, and maybe even closer to 3 (1% of total weight per week) for quite a while
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,922 Member
    BMidtun wrote: »
    I think the kcal intake targets from MyFitnessPal are somewhat low...

    WHO (Worlds Health Organization) defines any diet below 2100 kcal/day (men) / 1800 kcal/day (women) as starvation diet, which over time would put your metabolism into "energy saving mode" (this is what often happens when you reach a weight loss plateau). My recommendation would be not to go below these numbers, and rather create an additional calorie deficit through exercise!

    You want your macros to be properly balanced, MFPs recommendation is not too bad in this area. You should also focus on getting enough fluids, as you don't want your weight loss to be due to hypohydration/dehydration. A good aim is 1 ml per 1 kcal eaten + whatever fluid loss you have during exercise.

    Good luck!

    @BMidtun got a source for that? I wasn't able to find anything on http://www.who.int/en/ for any diet below 2100 kcal/day (men) / 1800 kcal/day (women) as being a starvation diet. I did see something on on various blogs, but while they did refer to the WHO in the article, the footnotes did not include a WHO source.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    edited May 2017
    BMidtun wrote: »
    WHO (Worlds Health Organization) defines any diet below 2100 kcal/day (men) / 1800 kcal/day (women) as starvation diet, which over time would put your metabolism into "energy saving mode" (this is what often happens when you reach a weight loss plateau).

    You are absolutely wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. Let us count the ways:

    1) WHO repeatedy refers to 2000 calories as an "average" person's diet, and not in a negative way.
    2) WHO makes no reference at all to "energy saving mode," which is a ridiculous, made-up thing that overweight people think is keeping them overweight.
    3) All WHO nutritional requirements are available online. They do discuss energy requirements, and those requirements are WAY below the numbers you mention (because in many areas of the world, those caloric numbers are simply unreachable - yet, literally no one is dropping dead from eating under 1000 calories per day, let alone 1800).
    4) If you were anywhere near correct, MFP would cease to exist because all the women here who eat well under 1800 calories would have already starved, by your "logic."

    BMidtun wrote: »
    My recommendation would be not to go below these numbers

    Please learn something before offering your terrible, incorrect, baseless, actively harmful "recommendations."

  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    got a source for that? I wasn't able to find anything on http://www.who.int/en/ for any diet below 2100 kcal/day (men) / 1800 kcal/day (women) as being a starvation diet. I did see something on on various blogs, but while they did refer to the WHO in the article, the footnotes did not include a WHO source.

    Those numbers are similar to the ones used by WHO to determine how many calories of food they need to plan for when feeding people who are entirely dependent on WHO food assistance. It's intended as minimum average maintenance calories for refugees.

    Cite is The Usual Words of Caution, Bull World Health Organ. 2008 Mar;86(3):162

    Note that interpreting this as "no one should eat less than this ever or they are starving" is ridiculous nonsense.
  • MayaKombat
    MayaKombat Posts: 11 Member
    Wow...thanks everyone...this has been an interesting read. Good to know I'm not being starved lol
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    @MayaKombat just dial in your calories first -- no need to go fast. Eat what you enjoy and stay within your goal. Then start experimenting with different food combos that achieve satiety. For me, that's tons of fruits and vegetables with 3oz or so of protein at each meal. Also experiment with meal frequency and timing. I find that 3 meals and two snacks are optimal. But everyone is different. Enjoy the ride.