Scared to go to the gym tonight...

SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm always nervous when it comes to new places... I've got a guest pass to 24 hour, but Im so scared of the judgemental people. I know they wont say anything, but the looks are enough to scare any big person away... Anyone know how to get over that??


  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Honestly? 99% of people are too busy thinking about themselves to bother thinking anything about anyone else, and the 1% who are thinking judgmental thoughts? Who cares, you cant hear it so what difference does it make?
  • you know - I just always tell myself I don't go to the gym to impress there I go so I can eventually be hot outside the gym..and I go wayyy late or wayy early.... :/
  • montiy
    montiy Posts: 32 Member
    Just do it, and remind yourself that the opinion of those other people really doesn't matter. Ultimately, you can't gain confidence without doing it. Once you do it a few times and begin to feel better, that will give you the confidence you need to keep going.
  • suprfast
    suprfast Posts: 49
    Just go. There is this very large lady that goes every morning I am there. Not once have I looked at her and though, DAMN she is large. My initial impression is GOOD FOR HER.

    Now if you go to sit and not move, expect people to be upset. You have to want to be motivated, we cannot make you motivated.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    i walk in with my chin up, proud of myself that im making an effort to go to the gym. Any time i see someone overweight in the gym, like myself.. im always thinking that im proud of them for working out and trying to get healthy/happy. Go to the gym, who cares what others think?! You should be proud of yourself!!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    You could do what I did, and just suck it up and go! Really, the people at the gym (at least most of them) are too busy with their own workouts to be concerned about what you are doing. And if they judge, well that's their problem not yours!

    Good luck and have fun!!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Sweetie, you and your goals are worth entirely WAY too much for you to feel like you don't deserve to enjoy the gym with the so-called skinny gym rats (no offense to you awesome gym rats out there!). Even "skinny" folks look in the mirror and can find something wrong with their bodies. You're not the only person who feels the way you do in that gym! If I were you, I wouldn't be afraid to go to the gym. I'd be afraid of NOT going there and letting myself believe I don't deserve to be there just like everyone else. You deserve it!!! Go get 'em!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    If anyone really is thinking anything about you, I would put my money on them thinking, "you go girl!"

    I had the same anxiety before joining my gym, but nobody said anything to me, and if they gave me funny looks, I just ignored them. Had I let the fear take over, I would not be 42 pounds lighter, and looking pretty good these days when I'm at the gym, lol.

    Just go and get the first visit over with. You will be so glad that you did!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    I was the same when I went into LA Fitness the first time. You got to remember that everyone there is there for the reason you are, and they were at the starting point too once. Just get some music going, and youre in your own world. I tend to go late at night, 8-12. not too many people there so it helps too
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't care what size you are, the first time is alway scary. I put my baseball cap on, my earbuds in and shut everyone out. Once I started going consistently, I realized some were in better shape than me and others were in worse shape but we were all trying to improve. Get up and are on a mission.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Just get over it.
    People are at the gym to work out just as you are. I don't think I've ever seen someone in the gym and judged them. If you're there to make a difference then good for you. But if you are really that insecure, then you better work your booty off until you no longer feel embarrassed. Focus on yourself for once, this way you won't notice the other people :)
  • eapholt
    eapholt Posts: 1
    Screw em!!!!!! I think what you are doing is awesome, So be proud and just think how much better you'll feel in the end!!!!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    As someone that goes to the gym two to three times a week - most people are to busy with their own work outs - they are not there to check out the newbie....

    Also most people there are extremely supportive - they are there for the same reason you are .... To get fit and healthy.....

    Give them a smile - say hi, and you might be surprised with what you get back....

    Just go - and focus on you :-)
  • happydayzz
    happydayzz Posts: 64 Member
    Don't worry about it! I felt the same way when I started going to the gym, but I realized that no one is really looking at you(unless you want to badly draw attention to yourself...). Just do your thing, and maybe listen to some music to help lose any anxiety. I also exercise in the evenings; in my gym, there are less people and it feels more relaxed! Good luck!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I feel your pain sweetie. I am a 50 yr old who just took on a gym membership in June. I was nervous. They gave me the walk through and all, but I was still nervous. I am here to tell you to just do it. I'd never been on a treadmill in my life or an elliptical either. And even after my little instructional tour from the manager, I still needed help when I went back the next day to use it the first time. You know what? They were nice & helped me. The other members? They are too busy doing their own thing to be bothered with me! Honest, they don't seem to care. There are men, women, young, older....and we all just do our thing.

    Go and enjoy!
  • I feel the same way can't let anyone exercise power over your goals! If they were perfect, they wouldn't have to be there. And the ones that are staring are probably impressed by your motivation! WORK IT!
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    you could Stick your tongue out at them, if they give you a bad look, or smile at them and say hi. Its better then what I do, lol, I say W T H r u looking at? LOL
    just get in there and do your thing!! don't worry about jerks. :--)
  • pauterson
    pauterson Posts: 65
    At some point you have to stop caring what others think of you and pull yourself together in a way that makes you confident. Most likely people aren't even thinking what you think they are. Try getting really into your ipod or pretending you're the only person at the gym... seriously, people think I'm NUTS I'm sure, but I sometimes close my eyes and catch myself kind-ve dancing on the stairmaster. LOL Who cares?!?!
  • andeygirl
    andeygirl Posts: 13 Member
    First off, no one is going to be judging you. If anything, they're going to think "Good for her!" And a lot of those people at the gym started at the same place you're starting. In a couple weeks it will be old hat and you'll be more comfortable.
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I thought that myself when I joined the gym, but I hope what they are thinking is "That person is trying to improve themselves." My gym has the cardio machines to the left immediately when you walk in, the circuit to the right of them and then all the way in the back is the free-weights section. I think most of the lifters are there to impress each other and not rag on others at the gym. "JUST DO IT!" I LOVE going to the gym and constantly challenging myself to do more. It isn't for everyone, some people just want to be alone when they grunt and sweat, but you'll never know until you try!
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