My 8th day in a row exercising!

I am happy to report that today will be my 8th day in row moving my body!!! 6 different gym classes, step, circuit Step and Body works with weights, a 3 mile walk, then an easy day of a 1 mile walk! It feels really good!

I am new to really checking in everyday and I am hooked! I check in several times a day and love all the support and info! My next challenge will be to go to a spin classs in a couple weeks when I am back from vacation!

Thanks MFP's :bigsmile: Did you move your body today???? I bet you did :wink:


  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Great work! You have to start somewhere! Good for you and keep it up!
  • skinnyminimoni
    Awesome! Today's gonna be my 4th day in a row doing the 30 Day Shred...never EVER thought I could do it!
  • xdannigirl
    xdannigirl Posts: 32 Member
    good job!

    i just did wii tennis and boxing. i burned over 100 calories in 30 minutes just by playing video games!
  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    GRATS! Just 6 more days and it'll be a 'habit'!

    Hahaha, haven't moved my body much yet today, but that's because it's so hot! Once the sun sets I'll be out and about with it cooler! =]
  • dancingphoenix
    Congrats! I am finally converted my Elliptical machine from a coat rack to an actual exercise machine this past week and I feel great! I am hoping that by the time fall semester starts at college, I will be able to (and have the energy to) join a workout class too! :) Keep up the great work!