Not seeing the scale move too much, whats wrong? (See my diary

If anyone can take a look at my diary and tell me what you think I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it. I started a sort of mostly plant based diet a little over a month ago, It was a Dr. Oz diet (I know) that was supposed to be about 21 days. I did not follow it completely, but i thought i was eating less and better than before when i would eat whatever I wanted. I definitely haven't been eating as much or drinking as much as I was before. I cut back a lot, and I have been being more active, tracking everything and drinking more water. I do weigh pretty much every thing as well, even condiments if i use them. I have been up a little down a little, but i keep hovering around my current weight and its really discouraging, because I'm really trying.


  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    ur dairy is not set to public. u can add me as a friend if u like me to take a look
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited May 2017
    What are your stats? Age? Weight? Height? There are days in your diary where you are eating more than 2000 calories and foods that are not weighed. I'd say this is where you are going wrong. I'm not going to bring up Dr Oz :s

    Eta: I see that you eat a lot if not all of your exercise calories, what kind of exercise are you doing and where are you getting these numbers from? Also you don't have a very varied diet, lots of alcohol (to each their own), but your body needs certain micro and macro nutrients in order to perform well especially when exercising. Another thing is your sodium can be quite high on some days, that can easy mask weight loss.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Just took a quick glance at the past few weeks. What is your daily goal and what activities are you doing that give you such a high calorie burn? If you aren't losing you aren't in a deficit.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    General tips having looked at your diary:
    1. Use a food scale to determine your portion size as often as possible, for all solid food: Packaged, fresh, everything.
    2. You are logging alot of takeaway/restaurant food. Understand that those calories are estimates. It's fine to eat out, and some people have success while doing so, but if you eat out a lot, it can be harder to figure out where you are going wrong.
    3. You went over your calories 3 days in the last week. That obviously will slow down your progress.

    How long have you been logging and how much weight have you lost in that time?
    How much weight are you trying to lose per week?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I agree with the others, whats your height and weight??

    Based on your diary it looks like the problem is... you are eating too many calories. Some days you are eating well over 2,000 calories and have food logs including generic entries.

    It doesn't matter if you eat perceptibly "healthy" or "vegan" foods, you still have to control your overall calorie intake.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    General tips having looked at your diary:
    1. Use a food scale to determine your portion size as often as possible, for all solid food: Packaged, fresh, everything.
    2. You are logging alot of takeaway/restaurant food. Understand that those calories are estimates. It's fine to eat out, and some people have success while doing so, but if you eat out a lot, it can be harder to figure out where you are going wrong.
    3. You went over your calories 3 days in the last week. That obviously will slow down your progress.

    How long have you been logging and how much weight have you lost in that time?
    How much weight are you trying to lose per week?

    i will add to this, make sure that you are using correct MFP database entries..I always cross check mine...
  • beastmoves
    beastmoves Posts: 17 Member
    I just set my diary to public before posting, maybe it takes a little while. I'm 31, 5'2. I have been as high as 163 before, and then I got down to 135. I don't really remember what I did that time, I wish I did.

    I know i have some days like that, but I feel like i am under more often than over, and i'm not doing that all the time. Maybe I'm wrong. I definitely eating a lot eating less, drinking less and eating better than i was before, so i feel like i should be losing weight just based of that.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    beastmoves wrote: »
    I definitely eating a lot eating less, drinking less and eating better than i was before, so i feel like i should be losing weight just based of that.

    You could eat less than before, but you won't lose unless you're in a deficit overall. You might be simply gaining weight more slowly than before, or only maintaining what you have.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    beastmoves wrote: »
    If anyone can take a look at my diary and tell me what you think I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it. I started a sort of mostly plant based diet a little over a month ago, It was a Dr. Oz diet (I know) that was supposed to be about 21 days. I did not follow it completely, but i thought i was eating less and better than before when i would eat whatever I wanted. I definitely haven't been eating as much or drinking as much as I was before. I cut back a lot, and I have been being more active, tracking everything and drinking more water. I do weigh pretty much every thing as well, even condiments if i use them. I have been up a little down a little, but i keep hovering around my current weight and its really discouraging, because I'm really trying.

    I didn't look too hard at entries etc...but

    You are wiping out your deficit on the weekends...

    You have your goal at 1200 which is the lowest you can go but don't always eat up to it...depriving yourself of foods you probably want.

    I see you are exercising and eating back all your calories sometimes too...which isn't a bad thing....

    My suggestion is this...

    allow for more calories through the week...don't deprive yourself so you feel like have 3 days of 500+ over your limit...

    find a sustainable eating habit to follow...not a diet....make sure you eat enough protein and fat to ensure you feel fuller longer.
  • esnider211
    esnider211 Posts: 30 Member
    You have a few days of pretty high alcohol consumption (not a judgement, my Fridays are like that almost 100% of the time) when that happens to me, I know I am counting off at some point, i.e. a bite of something my husband is eating, a handful of chips, an extra beer I thought I counted for but didn't. I bank a lot calories throughout the week to accommodate my Friday going out so that little extra doesn't matter as much.
  • beastmoves
    beastmoves Posts: 17 Member
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    beastmoves wrote: »
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.

    Fitbit and MFP are not very reliable for estimating calorie burns (typically they are overestimating). If you are not losing then only eat back 1/2 of your exercise calories.
  • beastmoves
    beastmoves Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone, I guess I really haven't been doing everything I'm supposed to be doing and need to pay better attention and work smarter and harder and make better choices.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    beastmoves wrote: »
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.

    How much weight are you losing, and how much were you expecting to lose per week?
  • beastmoves
    beastmoves Posts: 17 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    beastmoves wrote: »
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.

    How much weight are you losing, and how much were you expecting to lose per week?

    It goes up and down a little bit, I was hoping to lose at least 1 pound per week.

    4/6/17: 153.4

    4/10/17: 156.8
    I was after eating kind of bad during the weekend/ drinking before starting Dr. Oz breakthrough diet on 4/10, just a few days before, my scale was like 3 pounds less on 4/6/17.

    4/17: 152.4

    5/1: (21 days after starting Dr. Oz Diet which i mostly followed)::::::: 150.8

    5/9: No change from 5/1, Still 150.8

    5/16: 151
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    edited May 2017
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I agree with the others, whats your height and weight??

    Based on your diary it looks like the problem is... you are eating too many calories. Some days you are eating well over 2,000 calories and have food logs including generic entries.
    I agree. It's also possible you're eating more than you're logging. Unless you're measuring or weighing everything, it's hard to say whether your entries are accurate. There are also a lot of fast foods whose calorie counts could be off by a lot.
    It doesn't matter if you eat perceptibly "healthy" or "vegan" foods, you still have to control your overall calorie intake.
    This doesn't relate directly to calories, but it doesn't look to me like your diet is healthy. I looked back a couple of weeks and saw minimal fruit and just a few vegetables. Many days it was less than one serving, and some days none. But there was a lot of fast food, pizza, cheese, chips, cookies, and alcohol. And some days, a lot of alcohol. I can't point to any scientific evidence that alcohol slows down metabolism, but it's something to bear in mind. Nutritionally, May 7 was the worst day I saw. I know there are posts on this board that basically say you can eat anything you want and you'll lose weight as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. But imo you're not likely to succeed in the long term unless you eat a more nourishing diet.

  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    edited May 2017
    beastmoves wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    beastmoves wrote: »
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.

    How much weight are you losing, and how much were you expecting to lose per week?

    It goes up and down a little bit, I was hoping to lose at least 1 pound per week.

    4/6/17: 153.4

    4/10/17: 156.8
    I was after eating kind of bad during the weekend/ drinking before starting Dr. Oz breakthrough diet on 4/10, just a few days before, my scale was like 3 pounds less on 4/6/17.

    4/17: 152.4

    5/1: (21 days after starting Dr. Oz Diet which i mostly followed)::::::: 150.8

    5/9: No change from 5/1, Still 150.8

    5/16: 151

    6 pounds in 21 days is pretty significant (even if it was 3 pounds considering 0.5-2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss). Improve your diet and logging and I'm sure you will start to lose again.
  • beastmoves
    beastmoves Posts: 17 Member
    dfwesq wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I agree with the others, whats your height and weight??

    Based on your diary it looks like the problem is... you are eating too many calories. Some days you are eating well over 2,000 calories and have food logs including generic entries.
    I agree. It's also possible you're eating more than you're logging. Unless you're measuring or weighing everything, it's hard to say whether your entries are accurate. There are also a lot of fast foods whose calorie counts could be off by a lot.
    It doesn't matter if you eat perceptibly "healthy" or "vegan" foods, you still have to control your overall calorie intake.
    This doesn't relate directly to calories, but it doesn't look to me like your diet is healthy. I looked back a couple of weeks and didn't see any fruit, and only a few vegetables. Many days it was less than one serving, and some days none. But there was a lot of fast food, pizza, cheese, chips, cookies, and alcohol. And some days, a lot of alcohol. I can't point to any scientific evidence that alcohol slows down metabolism, but it's something to bear in mind. Nutritionally, May 7 was the worst day I saw. I know there are posts on this board that basically say you can eat anything you want and you'll lose weight as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. But imo you're not likely to succeed in the long term unless you eat a more nourishing diet.

    I thought i had been doing a good job of logging everything, and was weighing everything except if it was like for example a "beyond burger" or "qrunch patty" or like 2 small tortillas that says the calories per piece on the back. I didn't realize i was eating a lot of pizza, cheese, especially cookies, since i'm not really a sweets person, especially lately, i feel like i have been eating more of those qrunch burger (quinoa patties) which i dont fry them in oil, i just kind of spray the pan with a little olive oil cooking spray. I need to pay better attention and make better choices, thanks.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    beastmoves wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    beastmoves wrote: »
    For activity I do at least a 10 minute walk in the morning, a 20 to 30 minute walk outdoors after work, average speed, not slow not fast, i also walk on the treadmill about 20 to 30 minutes average about 3 miles per hour, cycle bike indoor for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, i don't know the speed, Strength 2 to 3 times per week, and a 15 to 20 minute HIIT video once a week. I also have a desk job, but i get up and try to get my steps in all the time. I just really use my fit-bit, I don't really log the exercise, if i walk or go on the treadmill it auto detects it, and then it has a cycle mode on my fit bit and a workout mode as well that i put it on when i'm doing strength. On the weekends sometimes we are walking trails for between 2 and 3 hours which might be why it estimated so high on some days for calorie burn.

    How much weight are you losing, and how much were you expecting to lose per week?

    It goes up and down a little bit, I was hoping to lose at least 1 pound per week.

    4/6/17: 153.4

    4/10/17: 156.8
    I was after eating kind of bad during the weekend/ drinking before starting Dr. Oz breakthrough diet on 4/10, just a few days before, my scale was like 3 pounds less on 4/6/17.

    4/17: 152.4

    5/1: (21 days after starting Dr. Oz Diet which i mostly followed)::::::: 150.8

    5/9: No change from 5/1, Still 150.8

    5/16: 151

    So you lost 2 lbs in a little over a month. Considering water weight fluctuations, which can be amplified by takeout/restaurant food, you've probably been losing @ half-a-lb per week. So tighten up your logging and you should be able to get on pace easily!