
StephSchaef Posts: 2 Member
Last year I was so motivated and was in the best shape of my life. Lately I have been very down and feeling like I am very alone and have no one to help me and go along on my fitness journey. I have put on 20lbs and instead of feeling motivated to lose it and get back where I was, I just continually eat more, I'm lazy and I'm growing more depressed every day. I need accountability and a partner to help me stay on track and be successful.


  • KirbySmith46
    KirbySmith46 Posts: 198 Member
    Anything in particular making you feel bad or are you just having a hard time get back in a routine?
  • jayde92scott
    jayde92scott Posts: 1 Member
    Urggggh, I know the feeling! I think with school and stress my motivation to work out is so limited. I'll try be your accountability partner, I think it may encourage us both!
  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    i was in a similar situation like u last year n i was diagnosed with being in a chronic depression state. i slept all day n all night. i was taking anti-depression pills but then, after my pills ran out in Jan/17, i found out my doctor is on leave until jul n so i m out of luck n i m too depressed to even look for another doctor. i seriously was thinking about ending it all n i even wrote out my letter to my kids.

    to make a long story short, ive gained 20 lbs during last year n i was also really unhappy about the way i looked. i went back to the gym n started to use MFP because i remember it made me felt good when i was healthier fitter before. as the weeks went by, i was feeling better. maybe losing weight, getting into an exercising program, n learning to eat healthy somehow kept my mind occupied enough to not think abt too much negative stuff n gave me a temperary purpose.

    i m still not mentally healed but i dont think abt ending it all now n i feel theres hope n at least i m physically healthy n able again. i m also reading a book called the power of now n i would highly recommend it to u.

    lastly, i lost all the weight that ive gained n i have set a 2nd physical goal for myself to achieve. i hope someday u can snap yourself out of ur state of mind by taking one step at a time. when theres no one left to help us, all we is to help ourselves.


    PS u can add me if u like. my dairy is opened