Wii exercise games?

So has anyone lost weight with any of these wii games? I've heard a lot of people recommending them but I don't want to start something if it's just a waste of time.

Just dance 2

My Fitness Coach

Sports Active

Gold's Gym Cardio Workout

Any input is great. Thanks!


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Anything that gets you moving is never a waste of time, IMO. I have Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active 2, and I really like them both for different reasons. Fit Plus is more fun, and I'm more likely to do those workouts when the kids are home because they like to join in with me. But it's not as good of a burn, and while there are strength exercises on there, I find that they're pretty short and I wish you could use heavier weights with some of the activities. Sports Active 2 is a more intense workout, and has a better system to create routines, plus the strength portions are customizable to use heavier weights if you choose, and you can adjust the intensity of your workouts as you get more fit. But to me, it's not as fun, so I don't like to do it every day.

    I think whatever you choose, you should have at least 2 different workouts to keep things fresh, at least if you're the type to get bored easily like I am. I like to have several things to rotate: both of my Wii games, as well as 2 DVDs. It keeps things fresh for me.
  • rowbseat13
    rowbseat13 Posts: 147 Member
    EA Active is my absolute favorite. The 30-Day Challenges are great.
  • canwendy1
    canwendy1 Posts: 40
    Thanks you too! :smile:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    EA Active is a lot of fun and makes you sweat. I like it and I'll be getting the 2nd one (once my Wii is fixed).
    I also like Zumba and a girl friend said the Micheal Jackson game is fun too (I'm just not an MJ gal).
  • canwendy1
    canwendy1 Posts: 40
    Thanks! & I love Zumba also its a ton of fun! :D
  • rowbseat13
    rowbseat13 Posts: 147 Member
    EA Active is a lot of fun and makes you sweat. I like it and I'll be getting the 2nd one (once my Wii is fixed).
    I also like Zumba and a girl friend said the Micheal Jackson game is fun too (I'm just not an MJ gal).

    You know, now that you mention it, that game is a pretty good workout. So is Just Dance if you do it right. I taught a summer camp for 3rd-6th graders this summer, and one of my kids brought the Michael Jackson game to play a few times. It's really fun.
  • I like Wii Fit Plus. Gold's Gym Cardio Trainer didn't impress me too much. I also like to get the dance mat out and throw in DDR once in a while, when no one's around to see me. ;)
  • emmaline8
    emmaline8 Posts: 70 Member
    Just Dance 2 is loads of fun and really is a work-out. I've borrowed it from a friend and got it from RedBox, but I need to buy it ASAP. Thinking about getting the Zumba one too, but I haven't tried it.
  • I love the EA Active Game. That's what I use at the moment. I also have the Wii Fit and Fit Plus, but I don't use it nearly as much as the Active.I have My Fitness Coach and it was brutal. I mean, I couldn't breathe or anything. I think I'll use it, though, when I find EA Active to be too easy. I just think right now it's too big of a challenge haha. I don't have Just Dance 2 but I heard from someone I know that it's really fun. my sister has the Jenny McCarthy game and she told me that it was a good one too. I hope you find one that you like if you haven't already =]
  • I love Wii fit plus and My Fitness Coach, most of the weight I lost last week( 5 pounds) is attributed to that! My fitness coach is really motivating and fun but the calorie count is way low so best to do it yourself