Hello! Need some supportive pals :)

Hey guys! I've been on this weight loss journey my whole life... but most actively since the beginning of this year. I started at 303 last March and am currently at 213. 67 of that 90 has been since January thanks to my new and amazing vegan lifestyle. Lately I have felt a little unmotivated, so it would be nice to talk to some new people who have been in a similar boat! I did find a picture to compare to what I look like now and it did help with a little motivation. It gets a little tricky when you have lost a lot of weight yet feel like you don't see any of the results. That has me a little frustrated lately. 5ixp227teepg.jpg


  • MonishaB2017
    MonishaB2017 Posts: 5 Member
    Very impressive! I know its hard to get discouraged, but look at the fabulous progress you've made in less than 6 months! You look amazing...keep it up!!
  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    Honestly you have done an awesome job, and it's stories like this that make me motivated! Think about the things that pushed you to get you where you are now, think about the positives and congratulate yourself on your great achievement so far. Well done!
  • paulrduck
    paulrduck Posts: 1 Member
    First Off believe in yourself This is about YOU and no one else. It is hard to change the way we were, it is an everyday challenge. You are remarkable keep moving to your goal . AWESOME
  • jmhharp
    jmhharp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not on a journey like you, but I have to say. I'm jealous of the bone structure in your face! Those cheek bones are fierce! Keep up the great work.
  • Lkav88
    Lkav88 Posts: 50 Member
    Well done!! I have lost 33lb so far but still don't see the weight loss - I notice it in my clothes but to me I look the same in the mirror. Keep up the good work, you look fab!!
  • risberg96
    risberg96 Posts: 118 Member
    I've lost 60. It's not easy!!! Be proud of your accomplishments!!!!
  • misscola
    misscola Posts: 40 Member
    Lkav88 wrote: »
    Well done!! I have lost 33lb so far but still don't see the weight loss - I notice it in my clothes but to me I look the same in the mirror. Keep up the good work, you look fab!!

    i totally agree w u! same for me. but keep going~
  • laceybell29
    laceybell29 Posts: 13 Member
    Congratulations !!! That is amazing keep up the good work
  • tayleranndavenport
    tayleranndavenport Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support! I appreciate it more than you know :)
  • 105pixie105
    105pixie105 Posts: 12 Member
    You are doing great!! Adding new people on here is a good idea- some fresh new characters on the news feed can do wonders! I find that a lot of people u add at the start, fall away. Add me, I'm here for the long haul and never give up lol :)