Eating exercise calories?



  • jeepgirl001
    Sometimes I use up some of my bonus calories because I do a bootcamp two nights a week and afterwards I need to replenish nutrients back into my body such as oatmeal with fruit, poached egg on multigrain bread or a smoothie. I use up some of my extra bonus calories doing this but not all of them. If you go to there was an article about what to eat before and after a workout. Hope this helps.
  • Nswilk
    Nswilk Posts: 27
    I can understand your dilemma here. If you are working out you need to eat the extra calories so you do starve your body and never loose the weight. Then again, if your calories are wrong you do not want eat extra calories that you are not burning. I guess what I would do is make sure I definitely eat the recommended calories for some time without exercise amount. Then see how hungry you are and if you are loosing weight. If you are then you are getting enough calories, but if seem to stop loosing or am to hungry step up the calories in small increments until you get results again.
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    I bought a Heart Rate Monitor because MFP was saying that I was burning 500 calories from a 30 minute Turbo Jam workout. I knew that sounded like more fiction than fact. I actually burn around 330 calories from a 30 minute workout, so I strongly suggest buying a heart rate monitor that counts calories burned for you!

    Also, I usually work out in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before dinner.You're supposed to eat back at least 50% of the calories you burn so that your metabolism stays up for longer and you actually retain all of the burned calories that you worked for. So I suggest working out before a meal so that you don't have to "eat exercise calories" but just eat what you normally would and stay within your food calorie goals.