Thyroid is making it hard to lose!

Does anyone else have this problem? I have hypothyroidism and it seems like I work and work and work and I can't lose weight. I always end up quitting because of this. Anyone have any suggestions? I want to do it this time SOOO bad!!!!


  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too. I started about a month ago and I lost 12 lbs, and I never splurged but for some reason I gained six lbs back. Not sure if it's water weight or not but it's pretty frustrating. However, I take medication for the condition and my levels are normal. Are you taking anything for it?
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Are your blood levels okay?

    I've lost 18 pounds in the last month and a half ish with my hypothyroidism. I work my butt off at the rec 6 days a wekk (literally at least 500 calories worked off, most often 1000) and have to be very careful with my calorie intake.

    but it IS possible, you just have to work really hard.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem? I have hypothyroidism and it seems like I work and work and work and I can't lose weight. I always end up quitting because of this. Anyone have any suggestions? I want to do it this time SOOO bad!!!!
    I lost 80+ lbs before I found out I had hypothyroid last month :) ..... now I take my little pill every morning what dose are you on?
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    I just went to the dr again to have them checked and they upped my dose again because it was off. Hoping this will help!! It's frustrating lol!
  • Be sure you are taking your meds on time (they prefer at the same time) and on an empty stomach. The meds are thrown off by Calcium, vit c, and even several vegetables have been proven to inhibit TSH function. You should (according to all drs, not that I am a believer) not have any probs with weight loss once you are leveled out. Be sure to get re-tested once they up your dose, and always stick with the same brand.

    SO with that little lecture:-) Yes I have had TSH issues since I was in my 20s and the only time I find I feel good is if I am relatively 'high' on the standards. I also find that pushing lots of water helps keep me level. When my TSH is low (cause I am stupid and don't take it every day, I know, I know) I feel thirst and it makes it hard to swallow.

    So yeah, in my prime weight loss was much easier. But I still don't give up, it is something I have to keep fighting every day. :-/ Stinks really.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I just went to the dr again to have them checked and they upped my dose again because it was off. Hoping this will help!! It's frustrating lol!
    what was your level and what size dose are you on ... mine was barely out of range and i take a lil 25mg dose
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    I am now on .088. My level seems to never get normal. It was at a 13! then a 6 and now at a 10 again.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I totally understand the frustration. Every time my levels start to get in the normal range (say I'm at about 1.6 and normal is .5-1.5 within 6 weeks I'm up to 4 something again) It sucks, but we have to live with it for the rest of our lives.

    I've realized this and I decided that I'm taking my life back. It's my life and no health issue is going to stop me from living it and doing the best I can!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I definitely don't lose as fast as I "should". But, I'm trying to be gentle with myself and accepting that instead of losing a pound a week as my diary suggests, I'm losing about 2 pounds a month. Start off with MFP by concentrating on meeting your calorie goals and paying more attention to nutrition than meeting a specific amount of weight loss and I'll bet you'll start seeing results within a month.

    Good luck!
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    I totally understand the frustration. Every time my levels start to get in the normal range (say I'm at about 1.6 and normal is .5-1.5 within 6 weeks I'm up to 4 something again) It sucks, but we have to live with it for the rest of our lives.

    I've realized this and I decided that I'm taking my life back. It's my life and no health issue is going to stop me from living it and doing the best I can!

    Very true! I am pretty much at that point...I am going to work my *kitten* off and feel better no matter what :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    It sucks but you can do it :)
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    thanks for the motivation! I need it :happy:
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    normal is .5-4.5 and i was like 5.08 i prolly could have gotten away without meds but I thought it would help weight loss even more :drinker:
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I quit using salt and ate low sodium foods. I also drank lots of water to flush myself out. I also have thyroid problems.
    Good luck to you~
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    I quit using salt and ate low sodium foods. I also drank lots of water to flush myself out. I also have thyroid problems.
    Good luck to you~

    thanks for the tip! I have been drinking TONS of water but salty stuff is my weakness :ohwell:
    I will def have to get rid of that lol!!
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    normal is .5-4.5 and i was like 5.08 i prolly could have gotten away without meds but I thought it would help weight loss even more :drinker:

    yea your levels aren't too bad! but the pills will totally help! I wish my levels were that close to normal! it must be helping looks like you are having great results!!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    normal is .5-4.5 and i was like 5.08 i prolly could have gotten away without meds but I thought it would help weight loss even more :drinker:

    yea your levels aren't too bad! but the pills will totally help! I wish my levels were that close to normal! it must be helping looks like you are having great results!!
    ive only been taking the meds for a week
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    oh yea sorry I misread that!! well what you were doing before is working great then! I'm getting sleepy and not reading right lol
  • Indeed, I have been battling the Hyper thyroid since I was about 18 and Im 47. its been a longggg journey.. didnt know I had the problem untill I was about 30.. I quit smoking at 38, started walking 3 miles a day and lifting weights and also got a fruit./ grain/ and whole foods food plan and it changed my entire body functions, Got off thyroid meds.. and it leveled itsself off, burned out what ever you want to call it and that was about 10 yrs ago.. I lost some pounds, wasnt but about 145 then and Im 5'5 so it wasnt like i needed to loose alot weight but Boy did I struggle even thou i was eating great, exercise and so was commited it was like impossible to loose a pound and I gain all in my stomach area that Omentum as Dr. oz called its.. loads of fat that is being stored.
    So as time went on my thyroid seem to be not over or under.. But i gained a lil weight here and there and now Im like 157 and I think between being borderline thyroid and menapausal.. I have hot flashes and take Kelp to help me out on that.. but Im back on the eating healthy and green as much as I can but the exercise is the most important and the hardest to maintain.. Im hoping to see some results because Im working out hard, or at least it seems that way.. So you are not alone, dont give up...