300+ And need some Buddies

lhollid Posts: 3 Member
I'm 23 years old and 314 lbs. About 3 years ago the wife and I had our first son. Within a year I went from 240lbs to 340lbs and was deeply ashamed. So I decided to do something about it and dropped to 308. But then we had our second son and I stopped trying. I gained my water weight back and got lazy again. Well I'm tiered of being this way, and I'm ready to commit. I know my self well enough that I have to treat it like an addiction if I want to overcome overeating. I would love some support, and would be more than happy to give some back in return. Feel free to add me, and happy weight loss!


  • PackPariah
    PackPariah Posts: 75 Member
    Was 358, almost the exact same story. I sent you a request.
  • pattibradam
    pattibradam Posts: 5 Member
    Here for you .
  • lacexx
    lacexx Posts: 2 Member
    You got this
  • OnthatStuff
    OnthatStuff Posts: 141 Member
  • bugsybahadly
    bugsybahadly Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2017
    Here for you and think how proud your sons will be :)
  • Martha_goals
    Martha_goals Posts: 8 Member
    Add me!
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    Anyone can add me
  • paxvobiscum1996
    paxvobiscum1996 Posts: 21 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm so proud of you for recognizing that you and your family are worth the effort! YEEESSS!!! Man! I'm excited for you. As a spouse and parent the best thing we can do is lead by example. Be your wife and kids hero! You are being the man your wife and sons need you to be. This fight is worth it. Get in there and stick to it until your ninety! If you want to friend me I'll be there with you. Even if you don't I'm still rooting for you!! We need more parents and husbands like you
  • spennyowen17
    spennyowen17 Posts: 5 Member
    Give 'avj.fitness' a follow on Instagram! This is going to be place where I will post all my challenges, successes and step backs to share with you guys so we can all relate and share our experiences! The support of like minded people trying to improve themselves would be highly appreciated