Looking for fellow MFP'ers on Contrave...



  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I'm also looking to add friends who use contrave.
  • enoughisenough3565
    enoughisenough3565 Posts: 70 Member
    I have been taking Contrave for about a month, although I didn't like how I felt taking the full dose that they prescribe. I take one in the morning and another at night. It really has helped with the cravings that I have. The side effects for me taking the full dose was the jittery/nauseous feeling constantly. I don't feel that way with my scaled down dosage. Would love to have other friends on the same journey :)
  • Rchin4thestarz
    Rchin4thestarz Posts: 13 Member
    Just chiming in here.... One of the common denominators that I've seen folks describe here is the side effects....For those of us who have quit smoking with the help of Chantix will tell you that the side effects sound familiar or at least they do to me...... I've heard of this drug and had planned on talking with my doc about it in a few weeks....Remember folks its all about the mindset...One step at a time...If you want it to work w/o the work it won't but the more extra you put in...Exercise, caloric intake water no soda....period....Not even diet you will see a difference... I rarely drink soda anymore... If I do its a " treat" day and Just like with the cigs there are certain things I've given up that was due to the frame of mind I was in...Just remember its not just about taking the pill and expecting the results theres a bit of sweat involved too :)
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    Just chiming in here.... One of the common denominators that I've seen folks describe here is the side effects....For those of us who have quit smoking with the help of Chantix will tell you that the side effects sound familiar or at least they do to me...... I've heard of this drug and had planned on talking with my doc about it in a few weeks....Remember folks its all about the mindset...One step at a time...If you want it to work w/o the work it won't but the more extra you put in...Exercise, caloric intake water no soda....period....Not even diet you will see a difference... I rarely drink soda anymore... If I do its a " treat" day and Just like with the cigs there are certain things I've given up that was due to the frame of mind I was in...Just remember its not just about taking the pill and expecting the results theres a bit of sweat involved too :)

    Absolutely agree. I didn't start contrave thinking "yay no diet or exercise" I needed help keeping focus and it has done that for me.
  • Valerie077
    Valerie077 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm starting to wean off phentermine after taking it for 4 months. With phentermine I've had great results with exercise, caloric intake, and intermittent fasting.

    However, I will start taking Contrave in a week. I have researched Contrave & have read that during the research period it was given with food. Is it necessary to take with food? Does taking Contrave with food subside nausea?

    All feed back will be greatly appreciated!!
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I never take mine without food. I haven't had any nausea problems, but I know it's a very common side effect. I didn't want to chance taking it without food.
  • Valerie077
    Valerie077 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you RenaPink11! I'm nervous & excited to start Contrave. If you have any other tips I'd be happy to hear them. :)
  • larenae1
    larenae1 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on it for almost two weeks. I think it has helped a lot with food cravings. Now I'm eating because I am actually hungry, and I have better control about what I decide to eat. It makes me feel jittery but I'm down 5 lbs.
  • katendsley
    katendsley Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Contrave today. I'm 5' 7" and 193lbs. Need to lose at least 40. I started feeling "weird" about 1 1/2 hours after taking it. Then began to feel very sick so I took motions sickness med as some have suggested. Also felt very drowsy. Made myself eat a little lunch and now feel almost normal again. Very hopful this works for me because in the last few years I've noticed that when I gain it's mostly in my stomach UGH! Never used to have that problem. Glad to see support threads on here. Will post more as I go along. Good luck to you guys!
  • triceratopsg
    triceratopsg Posts: 1 Member
    I just started today. Hope to find some "buddies" to follow as I go through. Friend me if you do, too :) So far so good, though it's only been about 2 hours, lol
  • blondebandbabe
    blondebandbabe Posts: 26 Member
    I just started today
  • jw331
    jw331 Posts: 1 Member
    I started contrave Jun 10 and I am also looking for a few contrave friends. If anyone is interested please friend me.

  • BethMarieVA
    BethMarieVA Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there, I have been on Contrave for 5 months. I have no side effects at this point, but I will say the first few weeks were hard. I was extremely tired and overall just felt ill. My best advice to anyone just starting and having horrible side effects...push through it! I promise it will wear off and you will start to feel normal again after a few weeks. I have lost a total of 15 pounds while on Contrave over the past 5 months. In my defense, I had already lost 55 pounds on my own when I started, but found that no matter what I did my body just stayed there. Even though I have only lost 15 pounds I have dropped 2 pant sizes, because I started working out at the same time I started Contrave. I plan to continue taking contrave for an entire year before coming off of it and then working towards maintaining my weight from that point on. Hope this helps those of you that are new to Contrave.
  • kmrlermom
    kmrlermom Posts: 1 Member
    I started Contrave 6 days ago and will begin taking an AM and PM dose tomorrow. I do really well during the day with cravings but evenings it all goes out the window! I am hoping the PM dose will help with that. I haven't experienced any side effects to date. I would ideally like to lose 40 lbs and happy to have found this thread. :smile:
  • jj85201
    jj85201 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Contrave six days ago as well. I have had zero side effects, and it has been easy to stick to around 1200 calories a day. I have 60 pounds to lose, and have lost 9 since last Thursday. I don't expect to see that kind of loss week to week, but it is a nice little jump start. I find my cravings for carbs to be gone, which is amazing. I am excited to see how this journey goes. I am flying out of state for my daughter's wedding on Friday (wedding next Saturday) so I imagine the 12 days I am away will be a little harder. We can do this!!!
  • jessicaelaine82
    jessicaelaine82 Posts: 32 Member
    Today is day 9 taking contrave

    SW 340
    CW 328
    1st GW 300
    Main GW 200

    After day 5 seems like weight started falling quick.
  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    I am starting Contrave on 8/11, looking for others experience during there time with this drug.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I have been on Contrave since May 2017. I'm down 21 lbs. I had three weeks where my weight didn't move, but I did lose inches. It has helped me greatly with the cravings. The only major side effect is the constipation. Water intake is a huge must with these pills along with miralax. Feel free to add me.
  • dcmkugler
    dcmkugler Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am just starting on Contrave today. I'm a little nervous about it due to the side affects but I have to do something :) I have tried Phentermine I lost some weight but had horrible side affects. So Contrave here we go! I have 80 lbs total to lose to my goal weight. Feel free to add me as friends also. Need some buddies that are in the weight loss journey.
  • TMski1000
    TMski1000 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Y'all!! I took contrave earlier this year for a month and lost 20lbs, quit bc my husband and i are TTC... I started taking contrave on the 6th of September but really started eating a lot healthier Labor Day weekend I'm down 7 lbs since 1 Sept. I started taking contrave because my husband is currently deployed for short deployment and we obviously cannot try to conceive so I'm going to try and get to a little bit of a healthier weight while he's away. I struggle with PCOS and Thyroid disorder -- multiple failed attempts to get pregnant(4 yrs ttc) with assistance from infertility specialist the past 2 yrs has not helped with weight loss. Hopefully come the end of the year I give myself a better shot of a baby! I would say the key to this is definitely watch the amount of fat you're taking in log everything, meal prep meal prep meal prep!!! Obviously you should not drink much alcohol while you're trying to lose weight anyway you shouldn't really drink while on this medication.