New friend wants to loose weight!

lily1515 Posts: 7
edited 7:52AM in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

Just joined a couple weeks ago. I'm on here with two other friends and we are looking to loose weight. I've tried loosing weight for almost a year and haven't had success with it. I'm finding tracking my calories helps, but often if I go over I beat myself up and think "what the hell, I messed up so I'll just keep eating unhealthy foods anyways" which is NOT ideal when loosing weight. My perfectionist part of my personality doesn't help me when I make mistakes; I just put myself down. So, I'm looking for a support group I can turn to to help me loose weight without judgment or criticism. Let's do this thing!


  • Hells yeah! Let's do this!
    Your in the right spirits... and the right place. Just dont beat urself up. Instead of saying "I've already eaten over my amount might as well go full throttle," challenge urself the next day to do better. True you give urself hell, but ur not helping urself if you just let go completely afterwards. Best part about this site is it's full of different ppl with great success stories. Everyone has lost weight different ways and when you have a question... some of the answers you get might be a bigger help than you ever realize.

    Welcome to the group :D Hope you stay a while! ;)
  • rawalk14
    rawalk14 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi lily1515,
    I'm right there with ya, having the same struggles! We can do it together! :)

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