What do you do after the day you overeat?

I can't avoid eating such so much food, drinks and sometimes alcohol or wine on gatherings, buffet, parties and other celebration so I could say it's a overeating day I could inhale 4000k in one sitting (I'm logging that all up) I doesn't feel any guilt or any self discouragement but I know the scale after a week would be honest. so I post here to find some support and tips after the day you overeat, some of common suggestion is to exercise the next day is It good so? Getting back on track the next day Is also good for me and for the others what other good suggestion can you give to me so I would be more accountable the next day. I'm trying to maintain weight with a weight range of 149 to 154 pounds. Thanks


  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I may go an extra 10 minutes at the elliptical, but nothing more otherwise I'm at risk to overexercise and cause more problems in the future. If I can anticipate an event, I'll exercise a little more beforehand or eat at a slight deficit for a couple days. Otherwise you just have to accept it and move on.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It depends. I don't have one go to method. Sometimes I do nothing other than go back to normal eating. Sometimes I exercise a bit more. Sometimes I fast for a day. Sometimes I'll clean up my diet overall for a while. It all just depends on my mood at that time.
  • moonstroller
    moonstroller Posts: 210 Member
    I exercise extra the next day or two.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I try for a 1000kcal net deficit the next day and 500kcal net deficits for several days after.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Generally if I overeat one day, I am not hungry the next couple of days so I simply eat less. I don't over eat by much when I do overeat. Maybe 500 cals tops in a day because I get full and couldn't eat more if I tried.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Typically I plan my eating schedule so I eat lighter during the week so I can splurge a little more on weekends. If I really go overboard I will just cut it down a bit during the week (not too much, maybe just one less snack or no dessert after dinner) or maybe add an extra walk or cardio session, nothing like a punishment or anything, just to even things out so I can remain in deficit. If I am maintaining I usually just let it be and it works itself out.
  • faysalubit
    faysalubit Posts: 272 Member
    Burn all through cycling ..
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 164 Member
    I just go back to regular earing the next day. Sometimes try to add more exercise as well.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    HappyGrape wrote: »
    log it and move on. I would cut calories only if there is weight creep up week later.

    Same here. Maybe more water, fruits and veggies the next day, but I just go right back to my regular goal.